Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] for [adv] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 These are moderate to severe pain relievers , but numerous instances were cited in the interviews where GPs had prescribed them for relatively minor ailments , some of which were fictitious , such as headaches , backache and arthritis .
2 I had not seen them for over two years .
3 So mm it were just a case of a flying visit cos we 've not seen you for nearly twelve months .
4 ‘ I had not seen you for over six months , ma'am , it was merely surprise that you have lost a little colour … ’
5 Quite plainly , having so recently finished the work that had absorbed him for almost two years , he was not yet back in the habit of eating lunch at a regular hour .
6 She had n't seen him for nearly three months and she was struck anew by his good looks .
7 I 'm not very good with people and , even though Eric is my brother , I have n't seen him for over two years , since he went crazy .
8 Have n't seen him for about two weeks .
9 She had n't seen him for almost five years and yet — less than twenty-four hours later — she 'd been not only happily returning his kisses , but also moaning with pleasure at the feel of his hands on her body .
10 I ai n't seen her for about two months .
11 Margaret she 's coming to this do we 're going to , I have n't seen her for about forty years .
12 ‘ He quit after a fairly short time — I think he may have done it for only two terms .
13 Brilliant you see , he 's done it for so many years can work out the space and everything .
14 I have n't seen it for about two months .
15 I 've had them for over three years now and they have n't remembered a single birthday or Christmas .
16 Keep putting up , we 've had her for about two years have n't we ?
17 ‘ I 've used it for about three years .
18 So I do n't think I 've ever I 've had it for about eight months now and I do n't think I 've yet listened to all five in a row without changing it .
19 The first time I wore this , I 'd had it for about two months and I was talking to Princess Margaret , but as we spoke , I could see she was following my hand with her eyes .
20 She said that she had got ‘ quite dependent ’ on Roger — I suppose she may have known him for about thirty-five years .
21 I 've known him for about three years and we get on fine as friends .
22 It was just as I had remembered it for over thirty years , it was just as it used to appear at least once a week at lunch in the Paris household where I spent two years of my youth with a greedy Norman family : two years of study interspersed with the most trying of family meals , endless and infinitely to be dreaded but for the blessed beauty of the food .
23 Having observed it for over 50 years I am convinced that it is variable over a small range , perhaps from 2.0 to 2.4 , but the fluctuations are very slow , and some catalogues give the magnitude as constant .
24 You 've all heard that and I 've heard it for about thirty years now .
25 He was condemned by an image which had haunted him for over thirty years : a poor defenceless body Iying curled up in a vast flat dismal landscape , a father abandoned to his lonely fate .
26 The white elephant had finally emerged from the confusion behind which its promoters had concealed it for so many years .
27 Dr Jaffery knew the building as well as anyone and I much looked forward to going around it with someone who had studied it for so many years .
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