Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oxford United are facing their own big challenge … four defeats in a row has dropped them back into the bottom half of the table … last home win was this one against Millwall … tomorrow they should … they must dish out the same treatment to struggling Southend
2 And he 's he 's turned over this and just gon na slap one on me and I 've turned my head and gone like that and he 's fucking caught me right on the fucking lips !
3 Dinah felt herself trembling ; this was the man who had libelled Paul and herself , had made their early years wretched , had hounded her out of the only world she knew .
4 For instance , Charles Harvey has tipped her off about the new motorway but she pretends she does n't know .
5 I think we can all learn a thing or too from that oh er that sounded nice that that sounds even better , oh I 've cracked it right down the bloody middle
6 He had always seen them somewhere in the medical field as well as on a rugby pitch .
7 A few weeks earlier he had phoned me out of the blue — I think he was checking to see how many of his cronies were still alive !
8 Now a widow , Mabel has made her home in the compact whitewashed building , tucked in one of Whitby 's historic yards .
9 Anyway , I had built her up at the front end so that she was standing with her fore feet on a half door and had given her a strong oily purgative .
10 His climbing achievements are many , but it is his attempts on Everest which have lodged him firmly in the public consciousness .
11 He had seen him only in the dense fog .
12 Just bottled it up with the other terrible things — blocked it out of my life and my mind .
13 ‘ I 'm afraid I 've plunged you in at the deep end .
14 And as I had told you before on the previous er chat we had , how my father took over er when when I was two years old we moved up .
15 The pub had drawn her out of the cold and fog into warmth .
16 because he lives a life where material luxury has bought him out of the social expectations imposed on less fortunate people .
17 He had taken her out one day , her and Mama , and when he had handed her out of the big Daimler , her papa 's pride , he had slipped a note into her hand , inviting her to meet him when his duties were over , and go out with him — perhaps for a ride on the Brooklyn Ferry .
18 He referred to the policy of separate development as ‘ apart-hate ’ in his first few letters , until somebody must have clued him in on the correct spelling .
19 That much was real estate , available to anyone with the right money , although it did n't help to discover that Alison and her late husband , a philosophy don at Balliol , had bought it back in the early sixties for less than £2,000 .
20 Got it back across the other fella really could n't quite get enough power on the shot .
21 you see , I mean what they do is soon as they 've kicked them out in the mental homes they 're having to put them in to erm , I mean erm , there are people who are not able to be on their own , I mean the ones they 've kicked out are people that have been depressed and say well you 've got to find , get your family to help , I mean , when you 've got somebody depressed in your family you try and help them
22 It was important not to remember how Nuadu had looked in those last moments , defiant and unafraid , his head thrown back as the Robemaker had dragged him forward by the vicious crimson rope-lights .
23 Its crassness repelled her but it slid inside her because she recognized it as her name and suddenly there was a dark pit , a chasm , a void , and the gravity of being dragged her down into the dark heart of weight .
24 Her mother had brought her up in the strict religion of the Mormon church , which made her very guilty about having sex .
25 There could only be one reason why Ross — always such a proud and unforgiving man — would have broken his own self-imposed exile and contacted her ; only one reason why he would have brought her back to the quiet privacy of her own apartment .
26 Yet the glimpse of her on that brief video had n't brought her back with the sharp focus that I craved .
27 This time he did n't throw her down with a fury but gently laid her down among the downy pillows and started to strip off his shirt .
28 And Sand Table gives every indication that his trainer has laid him out with the Royal Hunt Cup in mind .
29 And Sand Table gives every indication that his trainer has laid him out with the Royal Hunt Cup in mind .
30 It was true that she had literally brought him back from the dead .
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