Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] in a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The survey disclosed that in a three-week period , 309 vessels had passed through the firth and that 94 had refused to identify themselves .
2 It needs to be stressed that in a thermal reactor the fuel is near to its most active state and there is no way in which the nuclear assembly can go supercritical and explode like a nuclear weapon ( Coggle , 1983 ) .
3 It is reported that in a large printing office in the city [ which can only be R. & R. Clark ] where there are about 100 females employed , more than 70 handed in notices to strike yesterday , while correspondingly large proportions of the females employed in other firms are said to have signified their intention of going on strike , failing a settlement .
4 It is accepted that in a large number of cases , we are involved with a seriously ill or injured claimant , where an urgent decision is required .
5 It is accepted that in a large number of cases , we are involved with a seriously ill or injured claimant , where an urgent decision is required .
6 It can therefore be said that in a long series of estimates under the same conditions the population mean would lie within one standard error of the mean 68 per cent of the time , or within two standard errors 95·4 per cent of the time .
7 It can therefore be said that in a long series of estimates under the same conditions the population mean would lie within one standard error of the mean 68 per cent of the time , or within two standard errors 95.4 per cent of the time .
8 In concrete terms , Miliband has argued that in a capitalist society , the interests of private capital will invariably and necessarily be taken into account in the development of public policy and so we should not expect to see business leaders standing on a soap box anymore than we should expect to see those who enjoy the ear of government organising on the streets .
9 George did a lot of things to keep Lennie well fed and in a happy mood .
10 Fixed-price contracts have been normal for production contracts but on occasion this has led to claims that excess profits have been made and in a few cases repayment of the excess has been enforced .
11 For example , the real spending of a department or service might be the same under whatever system of accounting is adopted but in a given year , using cash accounting , the cash payments could be postponed by as little as 24 hours so that the accounts record a lower figure .
12 Those who secure the fewest votes in each successive count are eliminated , and votes originally given to them are transferred as in a full-scale STV election .
13 Now the driver of the car had been traced and in a few minutes would be appearing at committal proceedings in the Magistrates ' Court on charges of dangerous driving , failing to report an accident , and failing to stop at the scene of an accident .
14 If she was nervous it remained hidden and in a few minutes she had put each of the sisters completely at ease , their shame and apprehension gone .
15 It is envisaged that in a practical system a number of sub-domains may be declared with a component during its design , each monitoring differing aspects or regions of the model .
16 Adam Smith and subsequent writers have shown that in a competitive economy the pursuit of self interest can lead to an outcome which society would view as efficient .
17 It is recognised that in a multi-faith society this is necessary .
18 The condition and appearance of a rug can be affected by a number of factors other than age , and it is dangerous to jump to the conclusion that something is necessarily old because it is worn and in a poor state of repair .
19 If the admission etc is delivered late but in a default action before judgment is entered or in a fixed date action before the return day , then the court proceeds as if the admission etc had been filed in time , as far as possible .
20 ‘ By the time my friend arrived I was exhausted and in a foul mood and so was Graeme .
21 Dr Kellett , who gave evidence of his post-mortem examination , said most of the injuries were consistent with blows from the flex , either looped or in a straight line .
22 THE VALUE of micro-chip technology was never more clearly illustrated than in a new event at swimming 's Ulster championships — the ladies ' 100 metres medley .
23 Jack ‘ I 'll be retiring soon ’ Duncan has finally gone and in a few weeks I shall also have a clear desk and be on my way to Viewforth , Stirling to take up my appointment as Director of Technical Services in Central Region .
24 These were involved because in a capitalist market economy , the organization of economic activity has historically been based on numerous fragmented units , each seeking to operate as profitably as possible , whilst paying only the costs which it is impossible to avoid .
25 As Maybury-Lewis remarks ( ibid. : 66 ) , ‘ the combination of sexuality and aggression could hardly be more aptly expressed than in a ceremonial rape ’ .
26 In the ancient Near East similar conditions obtained and in a parallel manner divine despots became leaders of authoritarian welfare states .
27 He was well beaten and in a later race broke a blood vessel .
28 This Bishop found the palace and other buildings neglected and in a ruinous condition and carried out a great deal of repair work to the palace and also added to the building ( to quote ) , " in a most commodious manner " .
29 They are very sensitive to cold air , as much as in Nux vomica which also has the aching bones and wants to be covered and in a hot room .
30 This saved unnecessary handling , and also avoided work being neglected whilst in a half-finished condition .
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