Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] not [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This unbalanced , choleric individual is a mad dog who should be shot and not given command of a kingdom .
2 I also consider ( though this may only be expressing the same conclusion in another way ) that , for the reasons given by Mr. Langley , the injunction as at present framed should be interpreted as not prohibiting compliance with the section 39 notice .
3 In the CSO exercise the majority of public expenditure is ignored because goods or services offering non-rival ( or indivisible ) benefits are viewed as not conferring benefits on individual households as such .
4 Unionists demanded that both Bills should be frozen in their present position , as passed but not to become law for the duration , but Asquith would not accept this for fear of criticism on his own side .
5 Many critics of the encouragement provided until recently by the UK 's investment grants system in LFAs argue that farmers have been converting increasing areas of moorland and roughland to grass leys ( attracting substantial grants and more HLCAs ) while neglecting pastures previously improved and not maintaining standards of husbandry and land management .
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