Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] them [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The money we lifted was hardly intended for them in the first place , was it ? ’
2 The chief preoccupation of Methuen 's later years , apart from his painting , and one for which he denied himself many luxuries , was the restoration , maintenance , and improvement of Corsham Court , the family seat , and of the collection of pictures which hung in the magnificent gallery built and furnished for them in the 1760s .
3 Often this is because they fail to understand what is expected of them under the broad , general duties of the Health and Safety at Work Act .
4 Theoretically one can have the best materials taught by the best teachers , but although a number of films have been made , and probably will continue to be made , they have not had the success that was expected of them in the fifties .
5 Once territories have been established by young fans , occupants are physically confined within them for the entire duration of the match .
6 Along the colonnade under Upper School were recorded 1157 names of Old Etonians killed in the First World War ( 748 others , including my brother Dermot 's , were added to them after the Second World War ) .
7 Will my hon. Friend the Minister bear it in mind that many of the frauds that have come to the attention of our regulating authorities were first discovered and reported to them by the American SEC ?
8 Economic management was largely a matter of measuring resources of manpower and materials and adjudicating between bids made for them by the armed services and the major industries .
9 It is particularly interesting , however , to discover that a small group of white collar workers at Rolls Royce did not want an intellectually taxing job and provisions were made for them in the final design .
10 The easiest format for the script is one in which the shot details are written down on one side of the page , while the corresponding words of commentary are written opposite them on the other side .
11 How much business have you done with them over the last year ?
12 The shapes of the things we make are , as a general rule , imposed upon them from the outside : we do not make ‘ embryo ’ machines which acquire complex shapes by intrinsic processes .
13 For rather than being the locus of action , choice , etc. , the individual is to be seen as a ‘ conjuncture ’ of social practices ; each person 's intentional properties can be ‘ explained away ’ as the result of constraints imposed upon them by the structured whole .
14 As a consequence , they are likely to be faced with the necessity of balancing priorities — within the various demands being made upon them by the inchoate changes which characterize the present assessment climate .
15 We used to embrace the comfortable doctrine that the Roman cities of Britain survived as the shells of walled towns — with cathedrals often built within them in the seventh and eighth centuries , but little other semblance of civic life — until English towns were revived in the late ninth century by King Alfred , who enjoyed a vision of urban life which could owe nothing to the English civic scene in which he had been brought up .
16 Even as far away as Australia commentators talked about a quiet revolution in the way Australians and their communities were responding to the types of learning challenges being presented to them by the changing social conditions of the 1970s and early 1980s .
17 It was here , in the Syrian capital far to the north of Damascus , that the term ‘ Christian ’ was to be applied to them for the first time .
18 The key to the achievement of a consensus lay in Hawke 's agreement to increase the financial autonomy of individual states by expanding their powers to raise taxes and by loosening controls on how they spent money transferred to them by the federal government .
19 Although the survey vessel was now travelling at a speed faster than light , its occupants experienced no sense of progress other than that which was fed to them through the navigational telemetry .
20 The appeal was made to them in the early 1970s to offer their home to ‘ special needs ’ children and they responded well , Now they are being asked to accept both the challenge of ‘ special needs ’ children and the possibility of continuing contact with members of the original family .
21 Perhaps some forgiving souls might protest that former East German athletes had faced a particular difficulty in giving up the bad habits imposed on them by the success-seeking machine of the old Communist regime , and that it would be unfair virtually to close off their future just because they had n't yet properly learned another way of doing things .
22 The best trainees and established dealers had little beyond brief academic demands made on them in the early days .
23 As in the case of the banks , the assets of these institutions represent paper claims against money which has been lent by them to the public sector , to industry and to persons .
24 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
25 If such statutory clauses were ever intended to reflect the common law ( and this is not clear ) , the dichotomy drawn within them between the two heads of review makes little sense in light of the expansion of non-statutory review .
26 Affidavits from the defendants ' solicitors established that the photocopy affidavit was supplied to them by the second defendant for the purposes of seeking legal advice in circumstances where litigation was contemplated , but did not indicate whether the photocopy sent was a photocopy which the second defendant made for the purpose of instructing his solicitors or a photocopy which had been sent to the second defendant by the employee himself , prepared for the employee 's own purposes which had nothing whatever to do with the defendants obtaining legal advice from their soliticors .
27 Thereafter controversy over the issue subsided until June 1967 , when eviction proceedings were taken against eleven families who had refused accommodation offered to them by the rural district council because it was at some distance from the city .
28 The Comite de Madres y Familiares de Presos , Desaparecidos y Asesinados Politicos de El Salvador , Monsenor Oscar Arnulfo Romero was founded in 1977 by 12 mothers at a Christmas Eve supper offered to them by the late Archbishop .
29 The appellants sought injunctions restraining the respondents from buying or selling petrol other than that supplied by them at the two garages during the subsistence of the agreements and in respect of garage C during the period of the mortgage .
30 In many cases the husband and wife will be living apart at the time of the court order , or at a time when agreement is reached between them concerning the former matrimonial home , in circumstances that are likely to prove permanent .
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