Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] him from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Something in her had responded to him from the first moment they 'd met .
2 He had adopted his slighting manner , he knew , to protect himself from the attraction which she had possessed for him from the first moment that he had seen her .
3 Likely it was because she had recognised in him from the first the trait matching her own : the ability to make money , for especially was she enamoured of his Sunday second-hand car-sales and of the fact that he insisted on working on that day and handling this side of the business himself .
4 Viktor had sketched the green enamel and the twinkling diamonds in the tattered book he 'd taken with him from the charnel house that had been his home .
5 Their abstract certitudes seemed far removed to him from the inherent contradictions in human nature .
6 She had taken to him from the first , and he to her , perhaps , on his part , because she had given him some hot mutton broth and let him eat as much bread as he could manage , which had been half a loaf ; and then she had rigged him out in odd things .
7 The ombudsman shall ( in accordance with and subject to the following clauses of this scheme ) investigate any complaint received by him from an individual if : — ( a ) the complaint relates to action taken in the United Kingdom by a building society or a body associated with it ; ( b ) at the time that the complaint is received by the ombudsman , the building society or ( as the case may be ) associated body is a participant in the scheme ; ( c ) the action was taken in relation to one of the activities specified in clause 17 ; ( d ) the grounds of the complaint are included in the grounds specified in clause 18 ; and ( e ) the complainant alleges that the action has caused him pecuniary loss , expense or inconvenience . ’
8 ‘ The ombudsman shall … investigate any complaint received by him from an individual if [ 1 ] … the complaint relates to action taken in the United Kingdom by a building society … [ 2 ] in relation to … the grant or refusal to grant a borrowing member … other or further … advances secured on the same or different land provided that the grounds of complaint [ are ] that [ 3 ] the action complained of constitutes in relation to the complainant : — ( a ) in the case of a participating society , a breach of its obligations under the Act , its rules or any other contract or … ( b ) unfair treatment or ( c ) maladministration .
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