Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] him [coord] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Almost , but not quite , she had come between him and the work he had had to do in New York City .
2 Unlike some MPs he has n't let his duties as a minister come between him and the people who elected him .
3 And one of these old chaps said , ‘ Bloody hell , he 's had a 50-ton bomb dropped on him and the bugger 's still alive ! ’
4 Something lowered over him like glass , something seemed to be positioned between him and the world .
5 The seventh prayer in the long version concerns the suffering before Annas , Caiaphas , Pilate and Herod , but more especially the moment when Christ looks at Peter after he has denied him ( Luke 22:55 — 62 ) : The short version , typically , focuses more sharply , concentrating only on the episode with Peter so that there is an identification made between him and the meditator and , by implication , all men who by their natures inevitably betray Christ : The Longleat version of this subject shows by comparison how much less effective than either of the others it is .
6 For Owen the resolution of the conflicting pressures and the demands made of him and the unit staff takes place through an education philosophy that reconciles the interests of the child , the school and the LEA .
7 However , the tenant should not be subjected to oppressive powers of inspection and he should resist an attempt to make him pay the costs of an inspection , although it would be fair that he should pay the costs if there is a material discrepancy between the information supplied by him and the results of an inspection .
8 Then he walked deeper into the trees as the twilight thickened around him and the stars began appearing among the branches over his head .
9 The local authority has the same duty to allow contact between the child and his parents and certain other individuals who have cared for him and the court has the same power to make contact orders under s34 .
10 And although there may be equivalent grades between PADI and BSAC , they were n't recognised by him or the club .
11 Mr Bond was deemed to be insolvent at the time the bankruptcy judgment was entered against him and the bankruptcy notice was served — ‘ about three weeks ago ’ — but Mr Bond may have been insolvent before that time .
12 Opposition crumbled before him and the path he followed was strewn with gold .
13 McGrain , capped 62 times by Scotland and a member of the SFA 's Hall of Fame , was unable to use the free ticket given to him and the rest of that elite group for all Scotland 's matches .
14 If a candidate is elected with a surplus at a later count the probability is that both the votes previously given to him and the votes immediately responsible for his surplus will include votes already transferred at earlier stages .
15 Where the debtor accepts an offer made to him , a special notification of the right to cancel must be given to him and the debtor can cancel at any time up to five days from receipt of that notification ( s68(a) ) .
16 She manoeuvred herself so she was crouched between him and the rocks , and taking his long hard knob by the root she began waving it under her nose like a conductor 's baton .
17 John ran up with his father 's riding whip , and the door was slammed on him and the rest .
18 Morris was no stranger to the environmental impact of river works , as is shown by a confrontation recorded between him and the Thames Conservancy Board concerning riverside willows which they had felled near Hammersmith .
19 Man has also been suggested — it has also been pointed out that the fruits favoured by him and the ape are the same .
20 Against the possibility that the acquiring member fails to extend the offer , the following remedy can be provided for : If the Acquiring Member shall fail to serve a notice or make an offer in accordance with Article … ( or , if and to the extent that the offer is accepted , the Acquiring Member shall fail to complete the purchase of any shares pursuant to the offer ) he ( and any member with whom he is acting in concert as provided in Article … ) shall cease to have any rights to vote or to dividends in respect of all the shares held by him and the Directors may where relevant refuse to register the transfer of the shares acquired by the Acquiring Member which give rise to the obligations under Article … and may require the Acquiring Member to serve a Transfer Notice in respect of all or any of the shares held by him .
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