Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The runners found themselves unfairly rebuked for the market-makers ' errors , and for their whimsical misquotes or bid-only quotes that could ruin a deal .
2 It relates to the reasons given for the justices ' decision .
3 Like the wind that guttered and blew out the candles , a bloodied man had broken through the dancers ' joy to break the glittering ball into dark fragments , yet still some few couples could not bear to relinquish the last moments of peace .
4 The superior numbers of the Imperial army stood them in good stead : within a few minutes , Dara 's forces had broken through the rebels ' artillery and put to flight the infantry .
5 The legality of these road-blocks was not tested in court ; the police claimed to be relying both on the Road Traffic Act and on the breach of the peace power as it had been developed during the miners ' strike ( see below ) .
6 And indeed he has been nominated as the centrists ' candidate in the presidential election due in 1996 ( but likely to be held earlier ) .
7 The Arabs from Spidex , who set up the deal , have vanished with the Iranians ' money and , they suspect , their arms shipment .
8 The prison kitchen was located in the short-termers ' compound .
9 However , tactical considerations may dictate that some conditions and definition terms are omitted from the vendors ' draft of the heads .
10 Nor , even if full-time , did they typically do the same type or level of paid work as that performed by the men who were included in the employers ' pension schemes .
11 Similarly , if a character rides in a chariot then its points value including that of its crew is included in the Characters ' point allowance .
12 The books of such company must be available for production to the Council on demand under its powers of inspection contained in the Solicitors ' Accounts Rules 1986 .
13 These will include warranties in respect of Newco , often a new " off the shelf " company administered by management 's lawyers , and in respect of information contained in the managers ' questionnaire concerning the managers themselves ( see Appendix 2 ) .
14 It is natural for a person who has been working towards a survey for several months to overlook the fact that the respondent has never heard of this wonderful enquiry and may be utterly baffled by it ; but in this lies a great danger of asking poor questions , insufficiently considered from the respondents ' viewpoint .
15 Roads , schools , refuse collection , etc. will provide inputs to the scheme but the cost of these inputs will be reported within the departments ' accounts .
16 At the time of writing , the first batch of prosecutions had collapsed in the magistrates ' court , on account of the long delay in launching the prosecutions against those involved .
17 The polytechnics have responded to the universities ' attempts to recruit CDP members by demanding a merger deadline — probably April 1993 .
18 All its major innovations — the sale of council houses , the reform of the unions , privatization of industry , tax reform — had met with popular acclaim and substantially added to the Conservatives ' constituency .
19 In 1933 it first appeared in its present format , accompanied by the slim one-volume Supplement which added quotations , words , and meanings that had come to the editors ' attention after the publication of the relevant part of the Dictionary .
20 He had come to the comrades ' attention when he wrote an article in the journal of the Right-On wing of the Communist Party , Marxism Today , shortly before the £750 GLC pre-feasibility study was completed in November 1984 .
21 Souness , confined to the directors ' box because of a five-game ban from the touchline and dressing room area , said : ‘ I thought we played a very good team .
22 The McKinsey position seems more defensible this time , with the negative growth being confined to the dogs ' quarters .
23 He was educated at the Friends ' School , Rochester , and Grove House , Tottenham .
24 While these sketches tend to be exaggerated at the witnesses ' expense they may provide useful cross-examination material , particularly if you can obtain corroboration from other witnesses .
25 Our claim form includes advice on the action you may take if you intend to claim under the policy but we wish to emphasise that IF YOUR MOTOR CAR IS INSURED AGAINST DAMAGE and is IMMOBILISED AT THE REPAIRERS ' PREMISES your local Motor Claims Office will arrange for an inspection by an Engineer immediately on receiving details from you by telephone , whether the claim form has been completed or not .
26 She ‘ stumbled into engineering ’ because of her love for maths , fostered at the newsagents ' till and Middlesbrough Girls High School .
27 As the dragoons beside the cannon prepared to advance , the Highlanders dashed forward and slashed at the horses ' noses , which sent the unfortunate animals , maddened with pain , into headlong retreat , scattering the supporting line behind them .
28 While researching my article , I was given a long briefing at Falkland House in London , by a Falkland Islands councillor nominated by the Islands ' London representative .
29 Membership Assistant Dean ( chair ) Dean Modular Course Co-ordinator Assistant Academic Secretary ( secretary ) Ten elected members of teaching staff to include at least one member from each faculty Two student representatives nominated by the students ' union from the MCC representatives Any Field Chair ( not otherwise qualified ) choosing to attend and having two days ' notice of his or her intention to the Chair .
30 Amendments made : No. 49 , in schedule 1 , page 37 , line 21 , leave out from being' to end of line 22 and insert nominated by the students ' association of the college from among students of the college . ' .
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