Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The money we lifted was hardly intended for them in the first place , was it ? ’
2 Yes , Mrs Jones , we have a room booked for you on the thirtieth of July — can I be of any assistance to you ?
3 Had Louis been inclined to forget the destiny his father had mapped out for him , he would have been forcefully reminded of it in the last decade of his reign , when his chief adviser was Suger , abbot of St Denis between 1122 and 1151 , a man of humble birth consumed by a passionate devotion to the cause of monarchy in the Carolingian mould .
4 Indeed , the suggestion might well have come from him in the first place , which would have been so much better for everyone .
5 I began to forget why I 'd been attracted to him in the first place . ’
6 Something in her had responded to him from the first moment they 'd met .
7 Along the colonnade under Upper School were recorded 1157 names of Old Etonians killed in the First World War ( 748 others , including my brother Dermot 's , were added to them after the Second World War ) .
8 It had come to him over the last year or so that there was only one thing that made him different from other men , and that was the weight he was carrying on his mind .
9 Again this was reported to you at the last meeting of this Committee .
10 On the premise that ‘ too many cooks spoil the broth ’ , he asks us to reiterate that day to day management of the Village is in the hands of the Warden , Mrs. Pat Holmes , and any guidance , questions or advice on such matters should be addressed to her in the first instance .
11 Little did I imagine that such a move was destined for me within the next two years .
12 And after all the running around I 've done for you in the last couple of days .
13 He had adopted his slighting manner , he knew , to protect himself from the attraction which she had possessed for him from the first moment that he had seen her .
14 How much business have you done with them over the last year ?
15 In the tract Man 's Mortalitie , published in 1644 , the Leveller Richard Overton expressed his belief in mortalism , the heretical idea that the soul dies with the body at death to be reborn with it at the Second Coming .
16 We used to embrace the comfortable doctrine that the Roman cities of Britain survived as the shells of walled towns — with cathedrals often built within them in the seventh and eighth centuries , but little other semblance of civic life — until English towns were revived in the late ninth century by King Alfred , who enjoyed a vision of urban life which could owe nothing to the English civic scene in which he had been brought up .
17 I 've just had two presented to me in the last eight months .
18 Now , at Pac Bo , under Ho 's chairmanship , the Party cleared its ideological decks and prepared to take advantage of the even more extraordinary opportunities that would be presented to it by the Second World War .
19 He is presented to us in the first instance , and decisively , but his failures , his weaknesses , his inadequacies .
20 It was here , in the Syrian capital far to the north of Damascus , that the term ‘ Christian ’ was to be applied to them for the first time .
21 Neither was she too happy about the epithet ‘ min skat ’ , which he 'd applied to her for the second time that day .
22 Among the cardinals , Hugolinus , one of Innocent 's closest confidants and later Pope Gregory IX , is now generally agreed to have been related to him in the third degree .
23 ‘ At least 130 people have either rang or written to me in the last few weeks .
24 Remember your moral crime : that you have now lied twice about why I had written to you in the first place ( Letters report , 5 December ) , and you have lied on purpose and you have done so with manifest contempt and disregard for any say or rights that I may have against your sick sense of ‘ editorship ’ .
25 Forgive the typed letter — bit impersonal , but I am trying to get to speedy grips with the little apple laptop powerbook 100 which I got when George was home — heaven alone knows how I would have done without it in the last few weeks .
26 Mr Yeltsin stressed , however , that he would fight any attempts to cancel the emergency powers granted to him by the last Congress in October .
27 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
28 The old Maggie would not have even thought about it in the first place .
29 What is the first thing we 're told about it in the third stanza ?
30 IT WAS sackless not to have thought of it in the first place .
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