Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] social [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Decisions on who needs assessment and who has priority will usually be made within the social services department , but in hospital such decisions can be made with health care staff .
2 As a result of two consultation days held to examine possibilities for greater integration in residential provision for children and young people with special needs , a series of recommendations were made to and accepted by the Social Services Committee in January 1987 .
3 The plan was adopted by the social services committee after officials assured members that it did not contravene the 1986 Local Government Act , which outlaws the promotion of homosexuality in schools or by published material .
4 Evidence of the difficulties in the development of multidisciplinary assessment procedures has been provided by projects in four local areas , orchestrated by the Social Services Inspectorate ( DoH , 1989a ) .
5 Recommendations by consultants Price Waterhouse are expected to be approved by the social services committee today .
6 That draft er approved by the Social Affairs Council a week ago does not allow the flexibility for companies and their employees to determine working time arrangements at local plant level , but we do question the E E C's involvement in this area .
7 Local authority housing departments require a close working relationship with occupational therapists employed within the social services departments ( SSDs ) , who advise on the technical aspects of adaptations .
8 The occupational therapist in the community is normally employed by the social services department , and the initial contact is usually made by the general practitioner .
9 Lists of registered childminders can be obtained from the under-fives adviser employed by the social services department .
10 He has a room allotted in the social sciences department and special arrangements with the university domestic staff .
11 Details of their activities can be found in the Social Services Year Book in public libraries .
12 With that check came renewed questioning about the balance between services provided by the social services departments and the many forms of family , neighbourhood and commercially purchased care that they supplemented .
13 In accordance with standing order A thirteen little C , this motion will stand referred to the Social Services Committee for consideration and report unless the Council decide to deal with it at this meeting .
14 In accordance with standing order A thirteen little C this motion will stand referred to the Social Services Committee for consideration and report unless the Council decided to deal with it at this meeting .
15 I move this petition to be referred to the Social Services committee .
16 The second one to present the petition of one thousand three hundred and seventy two signatures asking that , who are opposed to Brady Hospital being turned into specialised unit for adolescents and to ask the county council not to proceed with plans to develop a group three community home on the site , erm I ask it be referred to the social services committee .
17 In 1990 , 6079 residents were enumerated in 241 establishments , including 21 NHS hospitals , 160 homes for elderly people ( 46 run by the social services departments , 105 private residential , and nine run by voluntary agencies ) , 32 private nursing homes , and four hospitals or hostels for the mentally or physically handicapped ( table I ) .
18 It 's run by the Social Services Department , but it also relies heavily on contributions and voluntary help from local people .
19 In each location they negotiated with the social services department an agreement that any continuing clients would be supported by the social services department , either with community services or with a place in institutional care .
20 When the name of a vulnerable elderly person has been passed to a social services department , that person becomes at least temporarily a client .
21 That means more home helps , more meals on wheels and more money available for home improvement grants for the disabled.The future of the threatened homes will be discussed by the social services committee when it meets in two weeks .
22 The BD8 Form is sent to the Social Services Department and a social worker will then visit the family to inform them about the services and allowances that may be available to them .
23 Firstly , I was I too was , if I can use the expression , gob-smacked at the strength of feeling that was expressed at the Social Services Committee and subsequently at the Policy Services Committee as well .
24 In contrast to the secrecy of the official review these were valuable forums for informed and open debate , particularly those conducted by the Social Services Committee ( 1988 ) and the Institute of Health Services Management ( 1988 ) .
25 Care proceedings can only follow , however , at the instigation of the local authority or the NSPCC. ( b ) The child protection register Each area covered by a social services authority must have a child protection register to be maintained by the social services department .
26 Care proceedings can only follow , however , at the instigation of the local authority or the NSPCC. ( b ) The child protection register Each area covered by a social services authority must have a child protection register to be maintained by the social services department .
27 All the End-of-Grant Reports received by the Social Affairs Committee will be analysed to identify the successes and difficulties encountered on different types of research project .
28 It will be held at the social services room , multi-disciplinary centre at Altnagelvin Hospital on Thursday September 16 at 7.30pm .
29 The book is published by the Social Affairs Unit , a rightwing pressure group headed by Dr Digby Anderson .
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