Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [det] day [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However luck was not with us for , as a reward for jumping in the intervals of appalling freezing fog , he got flu as a Christmas present and was delayed for a few days in hospital at Ringway .
2 Anne Marriner , 23 , admitted attempting to obtain property by deception and two counts of criminal damage all committed on the same day during January .
3 In the case of Henry VI , he was deposed on 4 March 1461 ( thus ending his 39th regnal year ) , to be succeeded on the same day by Edward IV .
4 A UK Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded on the same day by saying that it was for Iran to make the first gesture and that the UK would " not accept Iranian intervention in [ its ] internal affairs " .
5 The collection from the nest was made within a few days of the fledglings leaving the nest , and the broken up and trampled remains of pellets and bones from the nest can be mostly attributed to the regurgitated pellets of the fledglings .
6 The only evidence we have to shed further light on this question comes from a letter written on the same day by Mr J Nicholls [ see note at end of chapter ] , a Foreign Office political advisor , who had recently joined HQ 5 Corps staff at Klagenfurt .
7 His two infant sons had died within a few days of one another in April 1541 .
8 Father and son had died within a few days of each other …
9 Azerbaijani President Ayaz Mutalibov failed , however , to attend talks scheduled for the same day with Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan .
10 A political truce was called within a few days of the outbreak of war ; a pact to end contested by-elections was first signed on 6 August , and a joint recruiting drive began before the end of the month .
11 The new ruling was a financial consideration to prevent ratepayers from , in effect , subsiding replays played within a few days of the original game .
12 You know , Elaine did n't register my birth , and we 're not really sure whether the facts she gave were absolutely true , so it 's going to be a matter of checking all babies born on the same day in the same area , and I 'm not sure whether the people at St Catherine 's House can do that sort of thing .
13 A personalised pay-in book will also be posted within a few days of opening the account .
14 The allegations were dismissed on the same day by an Egyptian Interior Ministry official , who cited a small number of cases of abuses by policemen but claimed that they had been properly investigated .
15 He was to have joined me this week , but his train met with an accident , so he 's been detained for a few days with an injured ankle .
16 Their proposal will not be finalised until a few days before the F&S meeting on 5th March , but seems likely to be for a 9% pay increase ( the lower figure of price inflation and the average national wage increase ) , with no reduction in differentials .
17 The announcement was followed on the same day by the presentation to the Netherlands parliament of proposals to reduce the country 's troop levels in West Germany by 750 ( out of a total of 5,500 ) between 1991 and 1992 .
18 If a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting , the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place or to such time and place as the Directors may determine .
19 If a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting , the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place or to such time and place as the Directors may determine .
20 Their claims were supported on the same day by UK Foreign Office sources who said that Iraqi forces were pursuing a policy of " tremendous inhumanity " .
21 In other ministerial changes announced on the same day by President Daniel Arap Moi , ( i ) John Okwanyo was appointed to the Water Development portfolio ; ( ii ) Matthews Onyango Midika replaced Okwanyo as Minister for Regional Development ; and ( iii ) John Kyalo was appointed as a Minister in the Office of the President , replacing Johnstone Muendo Makau who had been relieved of this post ( to which he had been appointed in May 1989 — see p. 36648 ) on March 2 [ for full Cabinet list as of September 1989 see p. 36917 ] .
22 Doubtless many iron workers put in a few days at a time on different sites ; until quite recently putting out much of the work to contract in small stints on a ‘ labour-only ’ basis was a regular practice in mineral extraction , so leading tax collectors to class earnings as profits rather than wages .
23 In a separate appeal issued on the same day to the Lithuanian people Gorbachev said that developments in their republic were causing " extreme concern and bewilderment " throughout the Soviet Union , and that people were calling on the Soviet government to use " economic , political and administrative measures " to defend the USSR Constitution and the country 's integrity .
24 An example of a condition caused in this way is phenylketonuria — one of the so-called ‘ inborn errors of metabolism ’ — an inherited biochemical disorder for which babies are now routinely tested within a few days of birth .
25 Most children with severe visual handicaps will have been discovered within a few days of their birth or in their early infancy in hospital .
26 A counter-demonstration planned on the same day by the FLN was postponed .
27 After establishing external drainage ( 8.3 Fr catheter ) a sample of bile were taken from the region of the stricture by the radiologist and sent on the same day to the Cytology Department .
28 Elections were held on the same day for the 216 elective seats in the ( enlarged ) National Assembly , with voters choosing between two candidates in most constituencies ; eight candidates were returned unopposed , among them six serving Cabinet ministers .
29 Similar student protests were held on the same day in provincial centres .
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