Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [det] [noun pl] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the young calves are fattened on the farms but many are reared for a few months and then sold for fattening in central or eastern Britain .
2 With great reluctance , Reagan bowed to pressure from his advisers and compromised the Kemp-Roth principle somewhat by agreeing that the first cut should be delayed for a few months and reduced to 5 per cent in the first year with 10 per cent cuts in years two and three .
3 The tape crackled for a few seconds and then hummed as he replaced the receiver .
4 To return to the offending nettle ( Urtica dioica ) or , it too had its uses : Martin Martin noted that in Skye ‘ the tops of nettles , chopped small , and mixed with a few whites or raw eggs , applied to the forehead and temples by way of a frontel , is used to procure sleep ’ .
5 WACC has acquired a certain expertise in this field , but its activities so far have been confined to a few countries or sub-regions .
6 Where time permits , leave the final draft of any report you have written for a few days and then read it again with fresh eyes .
7 Overdrafts to customers are often granted for a few days or weeks .
8 I did n't want anyone to feel that this diet was a ‘ prison sentence ’ to be endured for a few weeks or months before old habits could be reintroduced .
9 WOLVES are inviting Hungarian side Honved to celebrate the opening of the new Billy Wright stand , named after the former Wolves and England captain , at Molineux next December .
10 It is built of the same materials and shows the same Moorish features of decoration and construction ( 415 ) .
11 I tried to work out what my father would have done in the same circumstances and came to the conclusion that he would have taken what he so often called ‘ a bold step ’ .
12 TXII , a RJ2.2.5 derivative which recovered ability to express MHC class II genes upon transfection with mouse genomic DNA ( 22 ) , was grown in the same conditions and the growth rate was measured for comparison : the doubling time of this transfectant was similar to that exhibited by Raji ( 24 hrs ) .
13 It features beautiful and accurate facsimiles of the treasures of Tutankhamun , including the famous gold burial mask , specially produced for the Exhibition , many of which have been made from the same materials and in the same way as the originals .
14 Many related compounds were made in the same laboratories and were investigated in more or less detail according to the promise they showed .
15 The men and women ( eleven in all ) who met here and talked for a few hours and went their unremarkable ways , were the descendants of the impassioned few Roxborough had gathered around him in the dark days following the failure of the Reconciliation .
16 He claimed later that he had done so for the reason that a few months earlier he had sold a stallion to Dunlop which had died within a few weeks and that his motive had been to recompense Dunlop for his loss .
17 The gastri pH profile produced by the meal was also measured in the same subjects and its total buffering capacity was measured in vitro by titration .
18 This aircraft , which was much admired by the many members and friends of the Branch who came to see it , had been active during the Gulf conflict .
19 As the requirements of our living spaces alter , and more efficient central heating and draught-proofing keep our homes warm throughout , it 's tempting to get rid of a few doors or even eyeless to give our homes a more spacious feel .
20 Many of the founders of sociology believed it would be possible to create a science of society based upon the same principles and procedures as the natural sciences such as chemistry and biology , even though the natural sciences often deal with inanimate matter and so are not concerned with feeling , emotions and other subjective states .
21 All dance is based on the same principles and rules which are dictated by the anatomical capacity for movement found in the human body .
22 Yes , but I probably tried to create my own personal brand of Dadaism , just as each of them had their own brand of Dadaism based on the same ideas but expressed in an intensely personal way .
23 Others would be borne by the few feminists and freaks who preferred girls , for the whole thing would be voluntary ; no compulsion would be needed ; PopCon 's research had been thorough .
24 The functions which can later be distinguished as those of ‘ priest ’ , ‘ prophet ’ or ‘ bard ’ — and in more modern terms ‘ historian ’ or even ‘ scientist ’ — were often originally exercised by the same individuals or groups of individuals .
25 Some of the criticisms which are voiced by service planners and professionals when thinking about ordinary housing for long-term patients is that it is ‘ too expensive ’ , or that ‘ They ca n't cope on their own , ’ or that ‘ They 'll be affected by the same stresses and strains that put them in hospital in the first place . ’
26 In the early fifties after the war the Home Guard was reformed for a few years and some of us , having been demobbed from the forces rejoined , but somehow the spirit of the " Dads ' Army " had gone and one felt the enthusiasm was not there .
27 They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression .
28 That is , they think it 's knitted in the same yarns and feels just the same as single -bed Fair Isle .
29 Sands and gravels deposited by water flowing from the melting glaciers are restricted to a few localities and there are no major raised beach deposits resulting from sea level changes relative to the land surface .
30 Instead , what we have are literally thousands of measures in educational testing , social surveys , attitude research or statistical analysis , with little or no idea as to how any of them could conceivably be reduced to a few dimensions or compared with agreed-upon standards .
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