Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 But there were long days of gloom and seasickness , as the ship plunged through the 20-foot seas and storms of the Arctic summer .
2 As in the Merchant Service , a close friendship usually developed between the Commanding Officer and the Chief Engineer , and on the cutters the Commander usually tried to sail with the same chief whenever possible .
3 Not painted for a specific location and comprising canvases of different dimensions , the frieze was a pool of images from which Munch made withdrawals for sale , replacing the pictures which he had plundered with new versions of the same composition .
4 By international agreement , all pieces of a given shower are catalogued as a single meteorite and named after a nearby geographical feature ( it can be a town , a post office or prominent natural feature ) .
5 A barricade of flagstones prised up from the floor had been erected for a final stand and the Collector , snatching a moment to look back towards it , was dismayed to see that the other party was already behind it , thus leaving himself and his men exposed on the flank .
6 The FMLN would be legalized as a political party and its members reincorporated with broad guarantees into " civilian , political and institutional " life .
7 Fresco was developed as a portable environment and Linton is thought to have his sights firmly set on Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT for the toolkit .
8 The question of whether the cash equivalent of a benefit to an employee should be calculated as the marginal cost or average cost of providing the benefit is currently under consideration by the House of Lords , in the case of Pepper v Hart .
9 The question of whether the cash equivalent of providing a benefit to an employee should be calculated as the marginal cost or average cost of providing the benefit is currently under consideration by the House of Lords in the case of Pepper v Hart .
10 The racists are redefined as the black racists and Mr Honey ford , dogged defender of freedom , is invited to Number 10 Downing Street for consultation .
11 Norbert was sent back into the real world , but within weeks he had registered as a disabled person and returned to the hospital .
12 The Duke arranged for a long avenue Or lime trees to be planted alongside a driveway leading from the main road that ran westward from London ( Chiswick High Road ) and sweeping into his Chiswick House grounds and , despite having been cut in two by the dual carriageway of the Great West Road Extension , it still remains as Dukes Avenue .
13 Top awards are given for the best net and best gross scores with over £200 in cash prizes .
14 Many explanations have been given for the careful measurements and statistical information so frequent in Wordsworth 's early poetry , for example : but surely even this may ultimately go back to a desire to placate the scientific and Lockean tradition .
15 Police said the thieves had broken through a rear entrance and stolen an electric typewriter , an answering machine and £40 cash .
16 Eventually he was referred to a consultant who took a careful case-history and wondered if there might be some connection between the heavy doses of antibiotics he had received as a young man and the continuing diarrhoea .
17 A little later , as filmmakers began to expend the medium 's storytelling capacities , they drew from the techniques developed for the magic lantern or diorama and audiences saw a woman interrupting her husband in the act of kissing the maid , or a miller grappling with chimney sweeps in front of a windmill .
18 During the two phases of Pilot schemes , which were essentially experimental , detailed policy could only be formulated for the short term but , as the new system is becoming established , this letter is able to state policy for a longer period .
19 Some of the young calves are fattened on the farms but many are reared for a few months and then sold for fattening in central or eastern Britain .
20 Well this guy 's jumped off the second board and done a belly flop
21 This might well be stabilised as the main course and result in the construction of a new delta segment , until the gradient advantage of the distributaries over it was nullified by the extent of the segment .
22 Southmoorhenge has n't yet been listed as a historic monument and no Americans have been spotted having their pictures taken next to it , but it 's early days .
23 As a result of the growing numbers of taekwondo practitioners , taekwondo has been listed as an Olympic sport and will be demonstrated at the 1988 Olympics .
24 The peregrine is listed as an endangered species and the penalty for injuring or killing one of these birds is a fine of up to £2,000 .
25 ‘ is in a position to take steps under a programme arranged between the Canadian government and both Canadian national airlines for the provision of return air transportation to Canada for both the child and an accompanying adult .
26 I believe that a meeting has been arranged between the hon. Gentleman and the Secretary of State .
27 A search of the National Biomedical Research Foundation protein database disclosed a strong homology to human ICAM-1 and -2 and the intervals between cysteine residues are conserved between the presented sequence and ICAM-1 .
28 We still had two rooms left to decorate : those intended as a spare bedroom and playroom .
29 Sotheby 's lecture by Helene Cixous of Paris was intended as a feminist apotheosis but was marred by her shaky reading of Rembrandt 's ‘ Bathsheba ’ in the Louvre .
30 The first three instruments here are obviously not intended for the serious player but for the beginner , or to be strummed once in a while as a second or third instrument .
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