Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It would have been easy to track down , as a somewhat acidulous correspondent explained during a few remarks on the shortcomings of journalists .
2 He had travelled aboard the same flight from Helsinki but in Economy Class , not an experience the Vice President of Information and Planning had enjoyed .
3 Patients who presented as emergencies were excluded , as were patients treated during the same period of time with cancers arising in a background of familial Polyposis coli or long standing ulcerative colitis .
4 It appears to reflect a course of practice , developed during the latter part of the 19th century , to abstain from questioning , not after charge , but after the suspect had been taken into custody ; and it appears that in general any evidence obtained from such questioning was regarded as inadmissible : see Archbold 's Criminal Pleading Evidence & Practice , 28th ed. ( 1931 ) , p. 407 .
5 In syllable timing each syllable is given about the same amount of time and therefore seems to be more distinctly pronounced than in a stress timed language .
6 However luck was not with us for , as a reward for jumping in the intervals of appalling freezing fog , he got flu as a Christmas present and was delayed for a few days in hospital at Ringway .
7 The second common mistake ( not made in this case ) is to impose a sentence for an either way offence for which the offender has been committed under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.S6 a sentence in excess of six months ' imprisonment , which is possible if the offender is committed for the same offence under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 .
8 In the whole country only two lorries had been hijacked during the latter part of May and neither was on Hatton 's regular route .
9 Since so much capital has external sources , the bourgeoisie have not come through the same phase of saving and investment , as did their European counterparts , but have moved straight to a consumption stage .
10 The oral hygiene index carried about the same level of increased risk for total mortality as for the incidence of coronary heart disease .
11 As a responsive composite ‘ biomaterial ’ , a biosensor is rather special , not only in the complex , multiple alliance of the materials in any individual device , but also in the wide range of materials that must be considered for the many types of transduction systems .
12 Over the weekend of 21/22 September 1985 , for example , 60 protesters were arrested for wire-cutting at Molesworth and a further 55 were arrested or reported for the same action at RAF Sculthorpe .
13 Using a brush dipped lightly in purple food colouring ( mixed with a little water for lighter shades ) , colour the windows dark purple and tint the bricks all over the towers different shades of lavender .
14 The organic layer was washed with H 2 O , dried over anhydrous Na 2 SO 4 , mixed with a few drops of concentratd NH 4 OH , and evaporated in vacuo .
15 Thus whether the would-be efficient entrepreneur rises from the informal sector or parachutes into a larger-scale enterprise with a degree from an international business school , he will frequently be trapped into the same style of running a business as the Nigerian enterpreneurs described above .
16 Raglan seams can be designed with the same number of rows on both the armholes and body pieces if required ( so that patterns , stripes , decorative decreasings and so on , will match up at the seams ) , although a certain amount of trial and error with various measurements is necessary to achieve this .
17 There are several styles and sizes of lodges to choose from , each designed with the same aim in mind … the ultimate in luxuriousness .
18 Control cells were transfected with the same amount of Bluescribe DNA .
19 It is undeniable that a great deal of important and fundamental research has come from the several centres of excellence in the USA .
20 Shape and other attributes are encoded in the same kind of way , encoded into a form that is convenient to handle .
21 The Senate amendment provided that the right of EC citizens resident in France to vote in European and local elections would be covered by a law " voted in the same terms by both assemblies " , whereas the National Assembly under Article 45 of the Constitution could be asked by the government to " rule definitively " on legislation if the two houses could not agree .
22 Male workplaces are even more segregated ( 81 per cent of the husbands interviewed in the same survey in 1980 had no colleagues of the opposite sex doing the same type of work ) .
23 Apples picked from the same variety of tree would n't have the same flavour when grown in various areas .
24 The increased investigative powers contained in the latter piece of legislation is likely to give the regulatory authorities a greater degree of success in detecting insider abuse , however , the subjective elements of the substantive offence , as enshrined in the CSA 1985 , remain an onerous burden for the prosecution to discharge .
25 The words contained in the former definition of larceny , in section 1 of the Larceny Act 1916 , ‘ without the consent of the owner , ’ have been omitted , and , we have no doubt , deliberately omitted from the definition of theft in the new Act .
26 Whether the right to review the rent and the right to determine are contained in the same subclause of the lease ( Al Saloom v Shirley James Travel Service Ltd ( 1981 ) 42 P & CR 181 ) or in different subclauses ( Legal & General Assurance ( Pension Management ) Ltd v Cheshire CC ( 1983 ) 265 EG 781 ) makes no difference .
27 Normally , little jumble could be expected from the few cottages on the headland , but Alex Mair , anxious to associate the power station with the community , had put up a notice on the staff board and the two tea chests were usually fairly full by the time the October sale came round .
28 Thomas Nilsonne , Sales Director explained that a new site of 180 square metres has already been located within the same area of town and is hopeful that the contract will be signed in the next few weeks .
29 All the beauty that ought to be but rarely is , all the promises of perfection are caught in a few moments of that iridescent light .
30 They want to engage in as mature a fashion as possible in realities as they are being experienced in order to take and make their own authority for their existence without being caught in the many traps for immaturity which are open to them .
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