Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun sg] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Both these mountainside systems had been developed as a response to communities being forced by hostile forces ( the Masai in the case of the waChagga , and the Nguni in the case of the waTengo ) to live in a restricted area .
2 They are intended as a guide to applicants and should be detached from the Application form .
3 At the top of the tower the time-ball falls at one o'clock each day — originally intended as a signal to ships in the Firth of Forth .
4 Swallowing his anger , although the effort nearly choked him , he modified his tone and manner to one of quiet reason and said , ‘ But Director , with respect , surely his total failure must be punished as an example to others ? … ’
5 This.vertical Phillips curve ( labelled LPC in Fig. 6.4 ) can be regarded as a warning to policy-makers that continued attempts to reduce unemployment below its natural level can only lead to higher and higher inflation rates and no long-run decrease in unemployment .
6 Matthew Arnold , as we shall see in Chapter 3 , regarded English as a vehicle for overcoming class divisions ; in the late Victorian era , it was regarded as a sop to women demanding higher education ( see Baldick 1984 ) .
7 being situated just off the King 's Road it is also ideally placed for an excursion to shops or restaurants .
8 Order 15 , r 1 provides that the court may at any time allow or direct any person to be added , struck out or substituted as a party to proceedings in accordance with the High Court practice ( see RSC , Ord 15 , r 6 ; Ord 20 , rr 5 , 8 ) .
9 The smile may have come as a surprise to connoisseurs of the pictures of him which have been issued to the world .
10 The announcement that Saudi Arabia is to buy 48 of the aircraft has come as a relief to workers at Smiths Industries in Bishops Cleeve , which supplies cockpit displays for the Tornado .
11 The changes in the system were disclosed in a letter to employees of National Power , one of the two big generating companies being created in the sell-off , from its chairman , Lord Marshall .
12 ideas for matters which might be included in an announcement to employees ; and
13 The building is still owned by the United Biscuit Company and is currently leased as a warehouse to telecommunications giant GPT .
14 For example , the familiar red triangular sign picturing two running children , internationally accepted as a warning to motorists that they are approaching a school , was interpreted by almost all of a sample of children as being a sign for them to observe , not one for cautioning drivers .
15 The invitation , in front of Mr Yeltsin 's wife , Naina , the Duke of Edinburgh and the Duke of York , is seen as a boost to relations between the Royal Family and Russia .
16 But it is never simply a formal abstraction , for the female nude is also seen as a testimony to feelings , traces of desires which , whilst they can not be allowed to dominate , are never entirely absent .
17 There was so much new knowledge in science , and degrees in science came to be seen as an alternative to degrees in classics or mathematics rather than as something to be done afterwards as an optional extra , or taken as a merely voluntary course of lectures .
18 In line with the whole spirit of ERA , indicated earlier , this is seen as an incentive to schools to attract and retain pupils .
19 We also set out the basis adopted for the answer to parts ( b ) and ( c ) .
20 written like a letter to Points Of View
21 The store should be sited with an eye to deliveries , access to exhibition areas and other Departments , and security .
22 The modification we have done in the past to vehicles ( particularly in windy areas ) is to screw to the door edge and footwell a strip of seat belt webbing which , when taught , stops the door touching the door post .
23 Gooch , still wary of any contact with the press , offered no explaination , but proceded to react in a manner which suggests he has decided upon the antidote to troubles at home and troubles with the bat .
24 They can be seen in the importance to conservatives of the notion of authority , a notion which in liberal thought is presented less positively and often as a potential threat to liberty .
25 Where root crops are fed on the ground to cattle the rabbit has easy pickings and it remains interested and satisfied with the debris littering a field that once held a root crop .
26 Thomas Horsley saw railway lines , with engines such as George Stephenson 's ‘ Rocket ’ , being built across the farmland to places where new coal mines were opened .
27 As late as the eighteenth century some of the most renowned painters of France , Boucher , Lancret and Watteau among them , found it no more beneath them to paint gallant scenes on the artificial eggs presented by the king to members of his court at Easter than Cellini did to be called on to unpick the precious stones from Clement VII 's tiara as the Imperial troops advanced to sack Rome in 1527 .
28 A high grade official might also keep at hand a jade sceptre ( ju-i ) with flattened head and curved handle of a kind used at court and commonly presented by an emperor to persons of distinction , and in addition a hat-stand with carved domed head mounted on a wooden stem and base set with jade .
29 But this does not hold for national debt which is owed by the nation to citizens of the same nation … .
30 No direct reference was made by the committee to nuisances , other than noise nuisance , yet if employees want a working environment free from odour nuisance there are provisions in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to enable them , with the aid of their safety representatives or safety committee to achieve this .
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