Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] before " in BNC.

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1 We 've been told to take off times , but if there 's one certainty , they 'll be rescheduled by a few hours before the season starts .
2 Even in India , where railway-building developed rapidly between the 1860s and 1880s , the crucial feeder lines most important to the exploitation of India 's resources were only built in the twenty years before the First World War .
3 For Stenton , the half century before 716 when no Anglo-Saxon king had been able to establish more than a local ascendancy , had ‘ little significance in English political history ’ because it had given no promise of the great advance , as he saw it , towards the unity of England which was to be made by the Mercian kings before the end of the eighth century .
4 Although aware he was an android , she had thought for a few seconds before removing her clothes .
5 The platform party mingled with the other guests before all sat down to an excellent table buffet luncheon .
6 Subjects performed one practice trial using a junction not shown in the experimental stimuli before starting the description phase of the experiment .
7 Local councils in a dozen areas were granted High Court injunctions to prevent Sunday trading , but a handful of national store chains opened on the two Sundays before Christmas .
8 The incident aroused official protests from both Syria and Czechoslovakia , which claimed that the tank shipment formed part of a 252-tank deal approved by the Czechoslovakian authorities before the 1991 constraint agreement came into force .
9 But Nell , transfixed by the giant suits before her , was hardly listening .
10 Russia had previously insisted that its troops could not be withdrawn from the Baltic states before 1997-99 because of the difficulties of housing returning servicemen .
11 An overall value of basal UOS pressure was derived for the six seconds before and up to six seconds after the onset of the common cavity episode by averaging the individual two second values .
12 The date of an election is now known until a few weeks before the event , when the prime minister recommends a dissolution of Parliament to the Queen .
13 Both Brown and Birley ( 1968 ) and Leff and Vaughn ( 1980 ) found that life events tend to be concentrated in the three weeks before the onset of schizophrenic symptoms .
14 In the case of relaxations that occurred before common cavity episodes , the reference basal UOS pressure was derived from the 10 seconds before the onset of the common cavity episode .
15 The evidence is growing that when a man is exposed to the same hazards before siring children , this too can damage the child .
16 It begins to look as if villages , like fields and land units and much else in the landscape , were largely defined in the hazy centuries before the Norman Conquest , developing from complex and distant origins in earlier times .
17 Their proposal will not be finalised until a few days before the F&S meeting on 5th March , but seems likely to be for a 9% pay increase ( the lower figure of price inflation and the average national wage increase ) , with no reduction in differentials .
18 The suspect must appear and may be legally represented at the various hearings before the magistrates , though the utility of this safeguard is reduced by the breadth of the statutory language justifying continued incarceration .
19 Unfortunately the cup was only awarded for a few years before that too disappeared .
20 The relative extent of involvement of the enteric nerves is difficult to ascertain since for technical reasons no control fluid absorption was recorded in the present animals before exposure to the parasite .
21 Gas gangrene , for which an effective cure was not discovered till a few weeks before the Armistice , claimed an ever-increasing toll ; during the April fighting on the Right Bank , one French regiment had thirty-two officers wounded of whom no fewer than nineteen died subsequently , mostly from gas gangrene .
22 Altogether ( including ‘ series ’ papers ) about 20 evening papers were launched in the 30 years before 1985 .
23 But two decades of tinkering with the federal constitution have not so much created regional self-government as extended the practice of divide-and-rule perfected by the British colonists before independence .
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