Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They should be treated as place-holders for other propositions , rather than as representing a logically independent class of propositions of their own .
2 If the building is regarded as a complex structure , then damage to one part of the structure , caused by a hidden defect in another part , could be treated as damage to other property .
3 However the right to self-determination has been indirectly considered through recourse to other provisions of the Covenant , notably Article 27 .
4 Treaty was concerned , the British provisions concerning the control of qualified companies discriminated against nationals of other member states wishing to purchase shares in companies owning , chartering , managing or operating British fishing vessels .
5 There has been a waterworks at Bocking since 1912 , and the two boreholes now extract five million litres of water a day which is then pumped to the Panfield reservoir , where it is mixed with water from other sources at Petches Bridge , Codham and Notley Road .
6 On the one hand , having been ‘ on the scene ’ for some time , they were more likely to have come into contact with other injectors .
7 Assistance may only be granted , however , where the Commissioner believes that the breach of rule about which the member is complaining is one which affects or may affect other members of the union or that similar breaches of the rules have been or may be committed in relation to other members of the union .
8 The mob was demanding the eviction of Meshketians who had been temporarily rehoused in Parkent after being evacuated in February from other parts of Tashkent oblast ( region ) to escape pogroms against their communities .
9 Obviously , fluoride ingested from drinking water can not be considered in isolation from other sources of fluoride intake .
10 Not all places are equal , and their siting must be considered in relation to other places to which they look for social , economic , religious or administrative relationships .
11 ( 1983 ) have suggested that parenting and parenting resources need to be considered in terms of other variables : time available for parenting , parent 's own emotional state , presence of life stresses and problems , existence of satisfactions and achievements apart from parenting , and the availability of adequate social supports and housing conditions .
12 It therefore appears that , although the Wirral heroin users differed from users in other parts of the UK in being younger , more predominantly male , and typically smokers of heroin , they shared with ‘ new ’ users throughout the country the characteristics of unemployment and relative poverty .
13 The participatory nature of the project has since been copied by other groups in different parts of the USA and many of the original participants have helped to encourage and train new people in other areas of their own states to find out more about ownership patterns in their home areas Highlander has responded to calls from other groups , and has acted as a clearing house for information and to make connections between interested parties .
14 Both men had come to Whitely from other prisons , Robinson from Strangeways .
15 Many voluntary organisations run social and rehabilitation centres which provide stimulating and interesting activities for people confined to home at other times in the week .
16 Her mother fought for her to be educated at school like other children .
17 However the windscreen of his aircraft was shattered by crossfire from other Stukas , and with the radiator damaged , he crash-landed the badly-damaged Fulmar on the carrier 's deck ; neither he nor his TAG , P.O. ( A ) R. Carlisle , suffered injuries .
18 The gains in the host countries have sometimes proved short-lived , with the initial advantages being eroded by competition from other countries , as we elaborate in chapter 4 .
19 If , however , you feel unable to do this , it would still help us if the questionnaire could be filled in for the largest course , and some indication be given of provision in other courses .
20 Another tape is made for distribution to other broadcasters .
21 Instead the article , obviously based on interviews with my critics , attacked what I had said or written about IQ in other places .
22 a collection of tags specifying page layout styles , paragraph settings and type specifications which can be set up by the user and saved for use in other documents .
23 This stage is seen as characteristic of other elements of abstraction , such as the growth of intellectual abilities .
24 Serving inmates are also sometimes removed to these centres when they are suspected of involvement in other crimes .
25 Before the case was finished Dalgliesh would have received a dozen pictures of Lorrimer 's personality , transferred like prints from other men 's minds .
26 ( iii ) In the context of their own writing and reading , they should learn about some of the frequently occurring words and roots that have been absorbed into English from other languages , so that they become familiar with the common word-building processes and spelling patterns that derive from them .
27 A flag is raised and the location of each specimen mapped with reference to other finds and to local reference points .
28 By exploring the world in terms of the actions and their effects , young children come to realise that objects can be acted upon in different ways and that actions often result in objects changing their location ; they may be moved to a new place , positioned with respect to other objects or located on surfaces and in containers .
29 Such competing explanations tend to different predictions of what can be expected in early adulthood as to whether or not the former truants have , for example , experienced difficulties in the labour market or high levels of unemployment , acquired qualifications since leaving school , or met with problems in other aspects of their lives such as their marriages or their mental health .
30 Towns which are twinned with equivalents in other countries announced the fact as you enter .
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