Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Beyond the door , Mother Bombie 's feet in soft felt slippers could be heard slapping angrily down the stairs .
2 Lahaina 's sponges can be folded or rolled to go anywhere in the filter .
3 WABI is now also expected to go forward into the COSE initiative .
4 An actress who found fame in a commercial for Volkswagen cars has been banned from driving after being caught speeding twice in the space of thirteen minutes .
5 This would lead us to look not just at the ‘ outputs ’ from institutions , but at the ‘ inputs ’ , and at the achievements of students who would traditionally not have been considered to be capable of achieving success , as well as those who could be expected to perform well on the basis of their previous academic achievements .
6 In the case of real assets , the expected return may be less certain ( i.e. riskier ) but potentially greater as , for example , if property values are expected to soar ahead of the rate of inflation .
7 Consumers in Scotland , where the heating season is the longest in the UK , are expected to suffer most from the change .
8 Priority was in this way accorded to the least prosperous regions and countries of the Community , partly arising from an expectation that these areas might otherwise be expected to benefit least from the SEM .
9 She answered Berlin ; it was a city she had come to know well over the years .
10 Under South Korean electoral law only officially registered campaign workers were permitted to participate formally in the campaign .
11 Furthermore , such modes of discussion are expected to conform also to the rules of professional literacy discourse .
12 However , on Dec. 11 the Israeli Foreign Minister , Moshe Arens , dampened the mood of optimism by calling for further assurances that Israel would not be expected to talk directly with the PLO .
13 He or she will be expected to participate actively within the Centre 's research activities .
14 Were such a test to be adopted in future , it would reintroduce into British obscenity law a wholly subjective assessment of taste and decency with respect to works of art and public communications , and it would do so by amending an Act which was designed to focus solely on the question of harm .
15 This period is thus , in effect , the lifetime of the product , during which it can be expected to function normally without the need for repair ( other than , of course , in appropriate cases , replacement of consumables — such as ribbons on a printer , and routine or preventive maintenance — such as the need to service a car in accordance with the maker 's guidelines ) .
16 She had come to look forward to the intervals between tenants , for at such times she would sit at the bedroom window that overlooked the street , which sloped swiftly to the main thoroughfare ; and guided by the landmarks of St Dominic 's church and , beyond that , St Ann 's , she could look over the chimney pots and catch a glimpse of the river gleaming between the busy traffic on it .
17 Another type of use is for Sales and Marketing , which is expected to grow considerably in the future .
18 Indo-Soviet trade , which had been increasing rapidly , was expected to grow further after the signing of a trade protocol worth Rs70,000 million in 1989 , a 35 per cent increase over the sum for 1988 .
19 Her only outing since when she scored in a canter by five lengths at Haydock has proved that debut form all wrong and she is expected to win again in the Ballymacoll Stud Stakes .
20 Sajudis ( the " Popular Front for Perestroika " ) had been expected to win decisively in the elections to the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet .
21 Individual users of software will not be permitted to copy or distribute copies of any software product or its documentation unless permitted to do so under the terms of the licence .
22 As most of the pontoons are rented to local yacht owners or associations one should not dock at a slip unless permitted to do so by the port police .
23 ‘ The Secretary of State may , if recommended to do so by the Parole Board , release on licence a person serving a sentence of imprisonment for life … but shall not do so in the case of a person sentenced to imprisonment for life … except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice of England together with the trial judge if available .
24 However , since he may not release a prisoner unless and until he is recommended to do so by the Parole Board , the stage in an individual prisoner 's sentence at which the board considers whether to make a recommendation for his release is therefore very important .
25 ‘ The Secretary of State may , if recommended to do so by the Parole Board , release on licence a person serving a sentence of imprisonment for life … but shall not do so … except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice of England together with the trial judge if available .
26 Taking these two elements together then , pay differentials are considered as only proper because someone with better qualifications and a longer service record may be expected to contribute more to the company .
27 It will take about four years to complete , and is expected to coincide closely with the widening of the M4 and M25 motorways .
28 Nothing could have been better designed to ram home to the Scots that monarchy as they understood it was a thing of the past .
29 The time has come to build further on the foundations of the achievements of the trustees and professional staffs , the public 's growing interest and the Government 's profound commitment to the future of these great institutions .
30 The pod had come to rest half-way down the side of a splintered ridge of rock .
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