Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [noun pl] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Over the last 20 years or so a large theoretical literature has been developed to provide tools for the solution of many problems associated with emergency planning ( Kolesar 1981 ) .
2 In other words , the Board of Trade could more or less control the Service , co-operating with other agencies when and where it thought necessary , although those LEAs which had or might have in the future statutory powers for dealing with juveniles were permitted to submit schemes for the exercise of these powers , provided they could obtain the permission of both Boards .
3 The study is expected to have implications for the design of information systems , for the targets that are set to evaluate investment decisions and for finding ways of correctly assessing risk .
4 The local CPS is now expected to prepare papers for the case .
5 If the family can be said to perform functions for the society of which it is a part , it performs these functions indirectly ( that is , through the individuals who , as adults , move out of their own families of origin and form families of procreation ) , and possesses a certain degree of latitude as to the performance of these functions .
6 Withdrawal of American troops was prepared by 19 May in fulfilment of Truman 's decision that , ‘ Every effort should be made to create conditions for the withdrawal of occupation forces by 31 December 1948 . ’
7 Boxing and Las Vegas , joined in very unholy matrimony , are waiting with bated breath and heavily baited betting slips for the outcome of a fight that can be almost relied upon to restore some credibility to the heavyweight division .
8 Such papers as the Reporter , and the British Emancipator were in part intended to win abolitionists for the emancipation and anti-apprenticeship campaigns .
9 He said it was a playground for the idle rich and ought to be used to grow crops for the proletariat .
10 However , machine knitters need not be deterred from contributing to this worthwhile cause as , after they have been exhibited and judged , all garments entered will be sold to raise funds for the Association .
11 ‘ You 've got to have thongs for the beach .
12 He had been told to take photographs for the magazine , not to give to Ana .
13 Thus , when Hunt Thompson Associates had completed the technical information , six contractors were invited to submit tenders for the reconstruction of Thames Tunnel Mills on a fluctuating price basis .
14 Six groups were invited to submit proposals for the research and four were finally selected to carry it out in Swindon , Kirkaldy , Liverpool and Sheffield .
15 Unless their outputs are assessed to determine implications for the organisation 's current and potential strategies , scanning , monitoring and forecasting merely provide ‘ nice-to-know ’ information .
16 But few of those stations were geared to supply materials for the DIY motorist , and deliveries were unreliable or non-existent .
17 Lyonnais des Eaux already owns the two big statutory water companies in Northumbrian 's region and is bound to have ambitions for the region as a whole .
18 Indistinguishability is bound to produce consequences for the structure of the theory .
19 Here it ran between quiet green glades , the remnant of an oak wood which had been stripped to build ships for the navy and then , in a last plundering , to make charcoal for the insatiable furnaces and foundries down at Carron forge .
20 Herbarium bench fees should be set to include funds for the use of these facilities .
21 Given that only £25 million were allocated to access funds for the whole of the United Kingdom , the answer must be , ’ What about the access funds ? ’
22 Among the situational factors influencing variation , it is possible to pick out some which could be described as stylistic , and many linguists have attempted to produce frameworks for the analysis of style in language .
23 The Spring Dance on Saturday , 2nd March with a live band would be run to raise funds for the Octagon Club .
24 Elaborate steps had been taken to conceal plans for the wedding .
25 The workers were to receive their annual bonus for 1989 and they would be reinstated in the SATS pension scheme , but they were forced to forfeit benefits for the period of the strike .
26 In recent months many software vendors which used to concentrate on producing for the Commodore , Amiga and Atari have started to supply versions for the IMB-PC and its clones as well .
27 Several of the issues discussed have implications for the manufacturing sector .
28 Thus he had already started to make dispositions for the future .
29 The society has started raising funds for the campaign .
30 The management at the Hermitage has finished drafting plans for the involvement of UNESCO aid in the reconstruction and development of the museum .
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