Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If radical politics have provided one consistent thread in his career , cricket has been another — going back to his early days in Derbyshire when he played for Littleover in the Notts & Derby Border League and was taught to bowl legcutters by twice-capped county coach Denis Smith : ‘ I suppose I ultimately failed him because in my rebelliousness I refused to have a decent short haircut , ’ he recalls .
2 With this in mind , it may be prudent if the wife has remarried to recite details of that marriage ( as in Precedent 34 ) .
3 This award is intended to provide funds to any state or regional library association to help underwrite the cost of workshops to be offered throughout the USA during 1983 .
4 Fifteen projects designed to restore areas of native woodland in the Highlands are being financed by the North West Region of Scottish natural Heritage .
5 It is designed to optimise weights in one layer of the perceptron at a time , and the procedure for optimising weights in one layer is controlled by properties of the layer above which is already partly optimised .
6 Zilog Inc , Campbell , California has come out with a new chip designed to enable manufacturers of mass storage and peripheral boards to enter the PCMCIA card market quickly .
7 This degree course has been designed to provide opportunities for advanced study in key areas of Spanish , Spanish-American and Portuguese literature and culture .
8 In Victorian times head gardeners were expected to provide vegetables from New Year to Christmas .
9 More than 38% users will have re-engineered their IT business strategies in favour of client/server environments and 18% of users are expected to downsize operations to mid range Unix systems for price/performance reasons .
10 More than 38% users will have re-engineered their information technology business strategies in favour of client-server environments and 18% of users are expected to downsize operations to mid-range Unix systems for price-performance reasons .
11 Of course , whereas human beings would be expected to find difficulties with such notation , computers would not ; it would be a simple matter to programme the computer to recognize such symbols in any sense that was necessary .
12 The Gondola and Lifeboat also carried paying passengers from this time , having a ‘ gangplank ’ cut in their sides , which incidentally weakened their bodies .
13 The Executive Information System is just one of several new products being bundled with the new version ; the others include a gateway with IBM Corp 's CICS , which , the Cary , North Carolina company claims , enables mainframe-based CICS users to tap into all of the SAS features and SAS/LAB , previously an experimental release , which provides data analysis tools , designed to aid users without vast experience in the area .
14 The House is expected to submit bills to sustained scrutiny and debate before giving its assent to them ( or not giving its assent to them , but the influence of party usually precludes such an outcome ) .
15 Children will be asked to complete sentences to describe pictures ( designed to elicit uses of verb-phrase anaphora ) and to answer questions about sentences containing verb-phrase anaphora .
16 An early form of analogue computer , the astrolabe was primarily designed to solve problems of spherical trigonometry to shorten astronomical calculations .
17 IBM Corp and Blockbuster Entertainment Corp were yesterday due to launch their joint venture to market systems for duplicating audio compact disk recordings in retail stores : the idea is that record companies could eliminate the need to press hundreds of thousands of copies of major recordings — instead the store would tap into central databases at each record company to collect the tracks requested and record them onto a blank disk ; although no pilot systems have yet been launched , IBM said the system also could be used to make and sell computer software and video games on demand ; the IBM-Blockbuster system is expected to be designed to distribute albums in original form , rather than enabling customers to mix and match their choice of tracks , and negotiations are reportedly already under way with several record companies ; a typical CD would take about six minutes to make , complete with the glossy packaging buyers expect .
18 The AUT statement is designed to protect students from sexual harassment and lecturers from charges of favouritism .
19 This created several offences designed to protect women from sexual exploitation .
20 But I , I do feel the Trade Descriptions Act is a is a very important er piece of consumer protection designed of course to protect not only you and me as consumer but also designed to protect traders against unfair trading practices .
21 Are they designed to assess levels of intellectual ability , or do they have an ulterior motive in seeking to shine a light on a suitable psyche ?
22 is committed to deliver solutions for real world problems .
23 Marketing initiatives are currently under way in the food industry where legislative change is creating opportunities for WCUK to deliver a range of extended services designed to assist clients in this sector to manage and implement change .
24 ( i ) Reselection is every five years for a further five year period : ( a ) If panel members are with the same firm they would be expected to supply details of relevant experience over the previous five years , and to have attended a number of updating courses , accumulating at least 20 continuing education points ( or hours ) from courses related to personal injury work .
25 The seller will be expected to supply details of any correspondence with the local authority in respect of planning matters either relating to the property to be sold or to neighbouring property .
26 Software Transformation 's technology provides a framework of software programming tools that is claimed to transcend differences in graphical user interfaces and varied operating system characteristics such as memory allocation and file systems so that applications need be developed only once to run on a variety of systems — currently Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh , Microsoft Corp 's Windows , Novell and Univel Inc 's UnixWare and Unixes from Digital Equipment Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and Sun Microsystems Inc , with versions for OS/2 , AIX and NT on the way .
27 Software Transformation 's technology provides a framework of software programming tools that is claimed to transcend differences in graphical user interfaces and varied operating system characteristics such as memory allocation and file systems so that applications need be developed only once to run on a variety of systems — currently Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh , Microsoft Corp 's Windows , Novell and Univel Inc 's UnixWare and Unixes from Digital Equipment Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and Sun Microsystems Inc , with versions for OS/2 , AIX and NT on the way .
28 The successful candidate will be expected to prepare solids by solid state reaction , and test the function of the materials as electrodes in prototype batteries .
29 The intention in London is to create a focused display , designed to show aspects of French art not widely represented in British collections .
30 Broadly he identified two categories of reform : those relating to people ( designed to produce changes in civil service culture ) , and those relating to institutions ( designed to clarify arrangements for resource management ) .
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