Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Already 24 of the 64 units are let or in the hands of solicitors and another 22 have attracted specific applications .
2 It was generally supposed that in the days of wheel spinning six spinners were needed to keep a weaver at work , and the area around the centres of cloth manufacture within which spinning was put out was so much more extensive than that in which the weaving was undertaken that spinning was done " almost everywhere " .
3 Yet it must be stressed that in the eyes of Frederick and most of his contemporaries his rule was never a crude despotism .
4 SEAC will also advise on the form in which teachers ' assessments should be recorded , how results should be reported and on the recommendations in the report of the Records of Achievement National Steering Committee , published in January 1989 .
5 ( 2 ) The clerk of a licensing board shall , when lawfully required , make out a duplicate of any licence issued by him under this section and shall certify such duplicate to be a true copy of the original licence , and any such duplicate , duly certified as aforesaid , shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein contained and of the terms of the original licence .
6 Winter freezing closed the Trent and Mersey Canal for five weeks in 1814 – 15 , and Freeman has calculated that on the canals of the Lancashire plain there must have been twenty-day stoppages in thirty of the winters between 1771 and 1831 and thirty-day stoppages in ten of those .
7 It should be explained that between the ages of twelve and thirty the union of the epiphyses of most of the long bones with the shafts takes place , and by the age of twenty-four most of the epiphyses have united .
8 It could be argued that in the patients with cholecystolithiasis the calculi had passed from the gall bladder into the bile ducts .
9 We have also seen that for the purposes of civil liability there have been proposals for a generalised statutory scheme for exceptional risks .
10 And there it was , in the late nineties , he was adding up his pence and his shillings and the odd pound or two here and there , these were his costs of making the pictures that he was making in those days , and then when you turned over and we came to nineteen hundred , nineteen hundred and one , nineteen hundred and two , erm the figures had broadened and under the pounds into three figures and then into four .
11 ’ New Release ’ will be bottled and on the shelves in a months time and is England 's answer to the French wine Beaujolais Nouveau .
12 Improvements could be made , however , in the way inductions were presented and in the facilities at John Wood House for carrying them out .
13 In spite of efforts to give some semblance of fair treatment to the ordinary sailor ( the most notable was the passage of Grenville 's Navy Act in 1758 ) no radical improvement in the methods or rate of payment was made until after the mutinies of 1797 .
14 Intelligence suggested that personnel had recently returned and there had been a significant increase in the number of aircraft seen and in the locations at which they had been sighted .
15 Similarly any prerecorded voices , sound effects and incidental music needed to be prepared and in the hands of the Grams Operator , in order of cueing , before zero hour on the big day .
16 The assessment commonly takes as its main form one or more visits to the client and clarificatory discussion with them of the reasons why a service is being sought and of the implications of providing it .
17 A thorough understanding of the way official statistics were collected and of the workings of the administration is shown to be essential for the proper interpretation of these data .
18 Extremely good ideas may have been incorporated and in the hands of the teacher involved the program may prove a powerful teaching aid .
19 Now in order to understand this and not to misunderstand terms , we 've got to unders the first thing we have to understand is what Darwin 's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is all about and the problem with this , and in some ways this is analogous to the problem with Freud , and I 'll be talking about this later , is that er when Darwin put forward his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection in eighteen fifty nine it was confused and misunderstood because of the ideas of other people like Herbert Spencer and the so-called Social Darwinists , who coined slogans like , for example , survival of the fittest .
20 Quinn sat on the floor , his back against the hard wall , and would have dozed but for the questions from Simon .
21 Yes chairman , I think that before you phrased that motion you might have enquired as to the circumstances of this , and , and everything that surrounds it .
22 Each generation has argued as to the merits of its team .
23 ‘ Information should be collected as to the goings-on in parts of Ulster of organisations which lately have been supplied with arms and are being detailed for eventualities . ’
24 I had enquiries made as to the origins of the zombis , but no one knew where they had come from .
25 An office which is assiduous about publication and publicity , but which is often seen as outside the dialogues of current architectural concern in the USA , deserves a more judicious appraisal then it has received , here or elsewhere .
26 But the good-night was not as definite as it sounded and Fritz , cowed though he was , knew it and walked with Erika to her bus-stop and waited with her in the cold until the bus did trundle along , and even then he made an attempt to get on it with her , a ploy which , with a deft use of her elbow , Erika foiled , leaving him standing at the bus-stop ; a lonely rejected youth , bowed as with the sorrows of all the world — and yet irresistibly comic .
27 After talks with BR 's Chairman , Peter Parker , we agreed that the sensible way forward was for a new company , British Rail Investments , to be formed and for the subsidiaries to be transferred to the private sector , with the proceeds going to British Rail .
28 Significantly higher concentrations of laminin were found in patients whose alcohol intake was higher than 100 g/day compared with those with a lower intake ( p=0.03 ) , although there was no significant correlation between laminin concentrations and the amount ingested or with the years of ingestion .
29 It is certainly true that the individual is more sensitive to particular types of influence at some developmental stages than at others , but to say that tells us little , either about the extent to which the period can be shifted or about the reasons for the increased sensitivity .
30 He was told that within the terms of the contract nothing could be done .
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