Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The choice of wood depends , to some extent , on whether you wish to have the new door painted or finished with a decorative stain .
2 In the British test-tube baby programme , viable embryos are either implanted or destroyed after a few days .
3 When you have finished with the artwork , it can be stored in a stiff envelope or a file , along with the component layout diagram , so that it can be modified or re-used at a later date .
4 Most of the detailed factual material learned in the sixth form is forgotten or superseded within a few years .
5 Yet it is known that between one third and one half of mentally handicapped people currently resident in mental handicap hospitals should not be in hospital and could be either immediately discharged or discharged after a short period of training .
6 For in each instance the problem of expansion was solved or evaded in a different way , and produced as a result towns with very different characteristics .
7 Reaction against him , in the predominantly Roman Catholic island , grew until , on 9 August 1846 , the quinta where he lived was surrounded and attacked by a large crowd of people .
8 As Boxes 1 and 2 make clear , there is a great deal that needs to be done if a residential area is to be designed and operated as a safe and habitable district .
9 The detectors are now designed and constructed in a high- tec purpose-built 15,000 sq ft complex in Garland , a suburb of Dallas , Texas .
10 Audit and standard setting of measures common to all or most practices may best be designed and supported by a central body with nationwide aegis .
11 It had now become clear that it was necessary to understand why what had been designed and certified as a fail-safe structure had collapsed in the air in quite normal flight operating conditions .
12 In the quiet scene every figure , with the exception of the chariot-horses , is designed and carved as a separate statue .
13 The buildings on all the estates are of modern construction , designed and built to a standard acceptable to institutional purchasers .
14 Belgo was designed and built by a bald bloke called Arnand Zenz whose witty interpretation of the concept includes strange tubing that pours out from the kitchen and opaque glass bricks for the toilet walls .
15 The air-conditioning of the Palace was designed and installed as a single system .
16 Curfews are broken , drinks are tanned , discos are dismantled , golden opportunities are recklessly squandered , and matches are won and lost with a callous disregard for the nation and its emotional stability .
17 She was born in a cave beside Knaresborough 's mysterious Petrifying Well , delivered as lightening crackled and burned in a violent storm .
18 A counter is instituted and blocked by a downward palm technique .
19 It was Grizel Huntley 's own view that her brother had not been fooled at all but had been charmed and diverted by a dashing girl thirty years his junior , and had seen no reason at all why she should not have a share of his considerable estate when that left a very decent down-setting for his niece as well .
20 Often these people believed that each of the components of nature — the forest , the rivers , the sky — was occupied and guarded by a jealous god , and they behaved as if that were the case .
21 The hill was occupied and fortified as a major administrative centre in the Iron Age , being the largest of its kind in the region .
22 When all the hot bitterness in him had cooled and congealed into a hard and reasoned purpose , and he had command of his face and his voice , he sent for his secretary , and dictated a letter to his council at Westminster .
23 In the Police and Criminal Evidence Act , the old idea of voluntariness , with its preoccupation with the mental state of the suspect , was dropped and replaced by a broader rule .
24 When lifted and placed against a transparent plastic sheet they would show up the tiniest particle .
25 These themes were summarized and developed by a large group of contributors writing for the Black Papers between the late 1960s and mid 1970s , which had a considerable impact on educational debates , and indeed on public policy .
26 It is essential that all problems are reported and managed in a disciplined way .
27 Each partition contains space for a finite number of items which are added and deleted in a pre-defined order .
28 On Jan. 2 , 1993 ( the date on which the civilian administration was to have been inaugurated ) the Armed Forces Ruling Council ( AFRC ) would be dissolved and replaced by a National Defence and Security Council ; the present Council of Ministers would also cease to exist , giving way to a civilian Transitional Council with the responsibility of overseeing the final stages of the transition .
29 The diagnosis was complicated as four days earlier a 14 year old boy from the same school had collapsed and died after a short illness of severe diarrhoea , which proved to be due to a fatal Salmonella enteritidis infection .
30 They were automatically members of a minority which was loathed and persecuted by a substantial section of society .
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