Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [modal v] [vb infin] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Until comparatively recently there was a general belief or tacit agreement within the community that the later years of life were a time of " all passion spent " — that sex stopped or should stop with the menopause in women and that it continued into later years only in old men who were awarded the epithet " dirty " .
2 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
3 He will be badly injured but will return to the Highlands and live for many years . ’
4 Heavy rainfall and the leaching out of iron salts may result in the formation of iron pans and podsolised soils ; these are poorly drained and may lead to the formation of upland bogs and blanket peat .
5 From that assessment , a group to be known as the Trailblazers will be formed and will come under the guidance of the Cliff Richard Development Trust , which is already supporting some 11 youngsters who previously progressed from the former Search for a start scheme .
6 Thus another indicator is needed that will correct for the major , rational influences on the number and cost of items prescribed and facilitate direct comparison of prescribing data .
7 Another member of the group will be sitting on the chair with eyes closed and will point in the direction of the slightest sound .
8 MegaCAD is DOS based and can operate within the 640k base memory of your computer .
9 Ron Atkinson , the Sheffield Wednesday manager , yesterday promised the shareholders ' AGM that the team will not be relegated and will climb from the bottom of the First Division by Christmas .
10 The amount of such compensation is equated to a fair share of the economic benefit which the employer has derived or may derive from the invention which the employee conceived and developed .
11 However , the collector will suggest a reallocation if there is an overdue charge against which a repayment can be set and will proceed with the reallocation unless he receives contrary instructions from the taxpayer .
12 If the start name length is zero , the list will not be restricted and will start from the first user with an interest in the DC .
13 An error which has led or will lead to the powers of arrest of the British Transport Police being drastically curtailed .
14 The limitation is that the people under observation may well feel rather acutely that they are being observed and may react against the observers , act unnaturally and perhaps even lie .
15 As with all aspects of the Advanced Courses Development Programme comments from users are welcomed and will contribute to the evolution of the system which is eventually adopted .
16 Bull Ring Centre Sale has started and will continue until the end of January .
17 Even if the bookcase falls down or breaks , the skill of joining pieces of wood has been practised and will remain with the student and be practised in other ways .
18 They wish to create a general atmosphere of distrust of the measures we have taken and will take for the further democratisation of the country . "
19 The results of the study are being analysed and will assist in the development of our policy for the management and improvement of all Scotland 's trunk road network .
20 Early encashment values are not guaranteed and may result in the amount received being less than the original investment ( please refer to the table below ) .
21 For instance if the piece is in E ♭ the B ♭ clarinet will be chosen and will play in the key of F ; if the piece is in D ♭ the key of the B ♭ clarinet part will be E ♭ , and so on .
22 If the burrow is a small one in flat territory , one man can effectively do all the shooting required and will stand in the middle , shooting round the full 360 degrees .
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