Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But United 's trip to Hillsborough today will provide Fergie with a more revealing test of Cantona 's mettle , because Wednesday fans are unlikely to have forgiven or forgotten his walkout on the Owls 11 months ago .
2 Neither would consciously have recognized or construed their position in this way .
3 Since , however , the House in Reg. v. Morris considered that there had plainly been an appropriation in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 , this must ( I think ) have been because the Italian student , although he had permitted or allowed his money to be taken , had not in truth consented to the taxi driver taking anything in excess of the correct fare .
4 Since , however , the House in Reg. v. Morris considered that there had plainly been an appropriation in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 , this must ( I think ) have been because the Italian student , although he had permitted or allowed his money to be taken , had not in truth consented to the taxi driver taking anything in excess of the correct fare .
5 He did not find Lawrence and Morris easy to reconcile but since " the House in R v Morris considered that there had plainly been an appropriation in Lawrence 's case , there must have been because [ the victim ] , although he had permitted or allowed his money to be taken , had not in truth consented to the [ accused ] taking anything in excess of [ what was agreed ] .
6 It is possible to argue that he wrote in the proportion to which each location claimed or received his spans of time and attention — and as he spent more than twice the length of time out on the islands as he did getting there , the greater part of his book addresses the west .
7 This was reorganised and changed its title in the following year , and again in May 1918 : like its British counterparts it drew its manpower from a variety of sources — the universities , the army and the professions — as well as from diplomacy .
8 You would have thought Magnus 's mother would have been nice to me but I bet Father had already telephoned and told her lies about me , because she made me wait in the hall until Nanny came to collect me in a taxicab .
9 Beneath the fabric of his borrowed shirt , her fingers trapped and twisted his skin in a burning pinch that told him she intended to deal with him later .
10 The Chairman has responded and admitted his side of the wrong .
11 G. A. Smith was among the first to give up , going to work with Urban on developing his new colour process ; Haggar retired in 1909 to run his own cinema ; Williamson curtailed the production of dramatic comic films after his standing contract with the UA was cancelled and directed his energies into educational filmmaking to escape ‘ the horrible nightmare of having my business directed by outsiders . ’
12 But not all : for black sportsmen have staked a presence in Britain , albeit a small presence , since 1777 when Bill Richmond was uprooted and given his freedom in recognition of his sporting achievements ( at this time , Walvin , 1971 , p.12 , estimates there were 15,000 blacks in London ) .
13 Only in a secure and loving atmosphere can the child cope with the shocks that have preceded and accompanied their coming into care , and develop to their full potential .
14 The sky turned black and , as it were , God the Father mourned and turned his back on his only Son .
15 On the facts of the present case , however , it can be said , by analogy with Reg. v. Lawrence , that although the plaintiff permitted and allowed his property to be taken by the third party , he had not in truth consented to the third party becoming owner without giving a valid draft drawn by the building society for the price .
16 On the facts of the present case , however , it can be said , by analogy with Reg. v. Lawrence , that although the plaintiff permitted and allowed his property to be taken by the third party , he had not in truth consented to the third party becoming owner without giving a valid draft drawn by the building society for the price .
17 Comparisons with the 1914–18 career of Monty should be viewed with the knowledge that this outstanding man was gravely wounded while leading his platoon of the Royal Warwicks early in the conflict and this slowed his promotion considerably .
18 In the main , employees who refuse to accept alternative employment which requires them to move house are unlikely to be deemed as refusing it unreasonably. for instance in Rose v.
19 The Southeast Asian states themselves were reported as having their doubts about Bao Dai 's recognition and , eventually , the Thai Foreign Minister , Pote Sarasin , made it the issue on which he resigned .
20 Few cases are quite as confusing as the zebra 's stripes , but there is always the chance that in a year or so 's time new information will have been gathered that changes our views about some aspect of animal life .
21 Beginning to take responsibility for their own property , they may be proud to count how many paintings they have done or sort their work from the pile , to take home .
22 They are employed by multinational companies which , during this period of structural change , have organized or reorganized their production on a worldwide basis with different parts of the production process carried out in different countries .
23 They laid the Padre down at the Collector 's side as instructed and arranged his limbs in a suitable position of repose .
24 Key business figures , members of professional and trade organisations and financial institutions have already met and offered their support to Essex TEC to help potential Superstart candidates develop and grow their business ideas .
25 Many community health workers attended and expressed their scepticism about moves to greater integration .
26 To learn more about how well our funds have done and to see our comments on future prospects send the coupon today .
27 Some of its recommendations were accepted and found their way into the Legal Aid Act 1988 .
28 And then , for his sake , she did what she had read should be done : raised her legs and arched her back and held him embraced and reached her mouth to his , and began to enjoy what she did .
29 Sinead O'Connor has phoned and donated her house in Los Angeles to the appeal .
30 The teams pushed and pulled their way over the deck .
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