Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] as [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a book which was actually about statistics , A. L. Bowley once established four rules to guide designers of schedules and questionnaires.3 They are given below as a starting point for our discussions .
2 The British headquarters is given only as The OTO Oasis , BM Box 3338 , London , WC1N 3XX .
3 Dummies have since caught on as a fashion accessory at raves , but whether the trend was sparked by the emergence of Ketamine , or whether it 's just a way to keep the burning under control , is lost to myth and drug folklore .
4 Giant Tortoise … a visit to the beautiful island of La Digue can be booked locally as a day excursion by ferry from Praslin …
5 If Dire Straits had n't been so successful , would you have carried on as a circuit band , or would you have gone back to teaching or journalism ?
6 It can be looked on as a discussion document and its coincidence with the real world is verified in discussions with the various users .
7 For this reason , it should not be looked on as an end user language .
8 The eight parties which had come together as the Kurdistan Front took part on May 19 in elections for an executive leader and a 105-seat Iraqi Kurdistan National Assembly for the Kurds of northern Iraq .
9 Unfortunately for them the person who rented the place did n't know that the stables across the yard are let separately as a holiday cottage . ’
10 Magnificent as it is , Somerset House was designed not as an arts centre , of course , but as offices for the civil servants whom Mr Heseltine now proposes to eject .
11 Olivetti envisages that with time , it will be considered more as a brand name for systems integration , adapted for specific customer needs , rather than a rigidly defined product .
12 I could either meet him near there or he 'd have me picked up as a material witness and see how I enjoyed sharing a cell with Jack Scamp .
13 The French then developed a sexpartite vault , wherein the intermediate pier is carried up as a vaulting shaft to carry a rib which transfers the vaulting compartment into six .
14 ODT was designed originally as a desktop product , but the addition of MPX multi-processing extensions has made it more popular in multi-user environments : it requires an 80386 personal computer with 8Mb RAM , 100Mb disk and VGA graphics as minimum to run .
15 A kitchen tends to fall into one of three categories depending on its physical limitations and your life pattern : it may be designed purely as a work room when all the other family activities go on in other rooms ; or it may be a room where the work is done and some or all family meals are taken ; or finally it may bc the real centre of the house , where work is done , meals are taken and where the family congregates .
16 The reversal operation is carried out as a day treatment under local anaesthetic at a cost of £950 plus another £50 to £100 for pathology services .
17 Some training is carried out as a goodwill gesture .
18 One of these is a dissertation , and the other a practical project carried out as a group activity .
19 The operation can be carried out as an outpatient procedure in a clinic , hospital or in some specially-equipped GP surgeries .
20 In our speaking and listening programmes of study it is therefore recommended specifically as a learning medium .
21 In the three years since he had broken through as a pop star , Kylie has constructed a network of companies to handle her affairs .
22 My morning sickness I had explained away as the bug starting and a lot of the time it was sickness at an evening meal .
23 ‘ When Euston was first built ’ , reported a Victorian commentator in 1896 , ‘ it was regarded not as a railway station but as a spectacle .
24 There , despite the identical name of ‘ collective agreements ’ , it is regarded not as an adversary process but rather as a means of ensuring the full cooperation of management and workers in carrying out the economic and social plans and improving the management of undertakings ( ILO , 1980 ) .
25 So it is hardly surprising that nablabs are seen merely as a distress purchase .
26 The legal definition of crime adopted here should be seen only as a starting point .
27 Architects often bury themselves in individual building projects , ignoring any responsibility to the public space of the city ; planners work at a scale where the street is seen only as a traffic channel … ‘
28 The 1770s house had become a boarding house and the eighteenth-century garden paved over as the city bus station .
29 It is then written up as the business strategy or plan together with a detailed plan for implementation .
30 In the Baghdad Times , the English-language newspaper , the Presidential Guard were always written up as an elite force .
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