Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] by the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He claims that Stanford has been leant on by the Chinese government and by American academics , who were scared that the door to China would be closed unless he was punished .
2 While this treatment remains at the experimental stage , may I suggest that the logical position is that prospective patients who have been referred onward by the general practitioner and consultant should be selected — probably by Professor Hitchcock himself — and financed centrally as part of the experimental budget ?
3 Pausing mid-way he looked down and could notice that between the cracks of the wood and the holes of the ferrous nails , lay the stream , flowing as a solid conjecture , broken rarely by the spinning vortex of wheeling , eddy and ripple .
4 By permutations of these various incidents the number of possible classes is limited only by the total number of shares .
5 Since the Crown Court is a superior court , its power to punish is limited only by the maximum penalty set for the offence by an Act of Parliament .
6 After being tipped in The Observer as the next Labour leader ( Gadfly , Feb 19 ) he is now favoured apparently by the Prime Minister himself .
7 An entity MALE and an entity FEMALE may be joined together by the optional relationship married to .
8 The call is uttered only by the male cuckoo , who arrives slightly before the female , and begins to call as soon as he reaches the breeding grounds .
9 These have to be broken down by the digestive system before they are absorbed as single units of mainly glucose and fructose .
10 Fibre is the indigestible component of our diet , almost always derived from vegetable produce , and it is those components of the diet that can not be broken down by the digestive system which in turn pass into the large bowel and contribute to the bulk of faecal waste matter .
11 As we have already explained , such a change in angle of attack is formed naturally by the conical sailform on a delta , but it needs to be held in place on sharply tapered types .
12 Soon the great awards of knighthoods give way to the decorations reserved for the civil and military services , and the shuffle of office workers is broken only by the occasional clink of a cavalryman 's spur .
13 The triggers for Britain 's nuclear bombs were tested within their thick concrete walls and they housed the first experiments into radar.The buildings , on a remote spit of land on the Suffolk coast , may not be the oldest but they are certainly among the most historic and sinister in the ownership of the National Trust.They are on Orford Ness , a desolate wildlife haven , which has become the Trust 's latest acquisition at a cost of £3.5 million.Yesterday , in pouring rain and silence broken only by the eerie shriek of gulls , the buildings were shown to journalists for what is thought to be the first time since they were erected.Strands of barbed wire and a Ministry of Defence ‘ keep out ’ notice are now the only remaining evidence of the tight security , overseen by armed guards , which surrounded one of Britain 's most secret research establishments .
14 There was silence for a moment as they held each other 's eyes , broken only by the faint sound of dance music from down below .
15 There was a silence , broken only by the faint lapping of the water .
16 Visitors were allowed entry only in batches of 200 ; no sketches or notes were permitted on the premises ; future directors were obliged by her will to live in situ , on the fourth floor ( a rule which has been broken only by the present director ) .
17 There was a long silence , broken only by the perpetual nudging of the wind , which seemed to be getting stronger all the time .
18 About them the world seemed to stand still , the silence broken only by the gentle rustling of the leaves in the branches above their heads .
19 So deathly quiet , the eerie stillness broken only by the gentle snoring of the man beside her .
20 The men paused in their tracks , locating the sound , and within seconds we were hurrying back to a place that we 'd passed where the sheer slope of the mountain was broken only by the deep rift of a water-course .
21 The countryside was peaceful under a late autumn sun , the silence broken only by the liquid song of a bird , the chatter of insects and the loud buzz of honey-hunting bees .
22 ’ It was the soft-shoe théâtre noir for prime time television , broken only by the agitated voice of an American security guard wearing a blue T-shirt yelling : ‘ Come on .
23 There was a sudden , yawning silence broken only by the slight hiss of oxygen to the mask over Mrs Thompson 's face .
24 In the loggia there was a hushed stillness , broken only by the rampant colour of geraniums pouring through columns from the courtyard beyond .
25 The ensuing silence is broken only by the quick rustle of Anya surrepitiously scratching her knee through a layer of denim .
26 Here is spring and summertime the quiet is broken only by the soothing sound of wood pigeons , which somehow creates an aura of timelessness .
27 In the later work the curving rhythms have given way to a system of verticals and horizontals , broken only by the forty-five degree diagonals of roof-tops and trees .
28 Piles of fallen leaves carpeted the forest floor with gold , and the stillness was broken only by the steady rain .
29 He immediately took to his heels with is case of cigarettes and led me a merry dance away from the docks , through a council estate , finally finishing up on the perimeter track of Ipswich Airport where I was rescued in the nick of time by a squad car full of policemen just as I was about to be filled in by the burly seaman .
30 The silence is punctuated only by the light banter among the four ops room members and radio babble with the captain on the bridge .
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