Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] as [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , taking the issue costs of equity shares to the statement of total recognised gains and losses may be considered right as it reflects the nature of these costs as a permanent loss of capital .
2 Next to his plate was a jotting pad and pen which he must have picked up as he passed the navigation station .
3 He comes across a flock of sheep belonging to the priest , one of which he takes ; he then returns to the priest , pretending not to be the traveller already refused entry , and this time is accepted in as he offers the sheep in payment .
4 ‘ It 's not every day that someone wanders on to my property and , when charged at by a Dobermann who 'd shot off as I closed the door after us , goes blithely forward and greets it with the words , ‘ Hello , darling ’ , ’ he replied , reminding her , had she forgotten , that , the dog never far from his control outside of the house , he had soon been on the spot to witness events .
5 The application does nothing to retain the existing trees on the site , it was a , it is , a mature garden with some mature trees , and all those trees are to be removed , it certainly does n't do anything to retain the rural character of the na of the village , and certainly does n't enhance the character of the adjoining small er rural cottages , i in fact it would be , it could be argued that it damages the rural environment , because the development is such that it is more suited for an urban development , almost a city centre , because the comment has been made that there is only about a metre between the dwellings and indeed there is only a metre between the dwellings and the adjoining boundaries , surely there is a need for screening , it is in a in a very very prominent position , it can be seen clearly as you enter the village from the Farnsfield area , the present proposal does n't provide sufficient room for screening , and and like the screen which is adjacent to this building , which are set well back from the road , and provide an opportunity for screening the single access to the site and the fact that the frontage to these two properties is completely taken up with garaging and with vehicle access does n't even provide an opportunity to screen .
6 Tim , she was told , had turned back as they neared the café , saying he would come later .
7 He heard the front door being opened even as he unfolded the cloth and began to read .
8 The exiles from Ecuador — more accustomed to jungle and soggy heat — had gasped unashamedly as we rounded the bend above the cliffs , and they remained quite mute , awestruck , as we circled down into town and parked outside the Hotel Eberhardt for a dish of the king crab , centolla , and a mug of beer .
9 Lance Rees was set on as he passed the sorting office in Withernsea , Humberside , on his way to school .
10 The roller-coaster cliff-top walk was tiring but both Vanessa and I were spurred on as we approached the final climb up Golden Cap .
11 But all her frantic thoughts were cut short as she opened the door , to see her own children sitting , staring in amazement at the red-faced boy in the middle of the floor with his hands raised to strike one of them .
12 His head still spun slightly as he followed the words and looked upwards intermittently to see by the expression of a face if someone had forgotten their lines .
13 But his gaze was rigidly fixed ahead as he steered the little helicopter up the meandering Thames .
14 Apparently at this particular time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road in question and traffic from one direction had halted in order to allow that the young girl and her friend to cross the road they began to cross on the zebra crossing but , as she reached the centre of the road Mrs was driving her vehicle in the opposite direction and she failed to stop the young girl , in her teens , was unable to take , avoiding acci action and she was knocked down as she crossed the road .
15 The Allied guns had just started up as I entered the orchard .
16 There you will see thousands of cars speeding by , each with the driver alone , his head thrown back as he yells the words aloud , her fist slapping the wheel in time to the beat , thousands of silent screams haring up the M1 to get to that meeting on schedule .
17 The depressing view of the unsightly pylons marching across the valley floor , heavy traffic thundering along the Woodhead Pass road , five reservoirs and a disused railway line , is soon left behind as you negotiate the tussocky grass slops below Long Gutter Edge towards the entrance to Wildboar Clough .
18 what had happened here as I presumed the telephone lines were down .
19 Her tiny heart-shaped face was screwed up as she thought the problem over .
20 His voice had hardened briefly as he added the caution , but when he went on again it was low and musing .
21 ‘ I prefer the fresh air , ’ she muttered , and coloured faintly as she detected the slight upward twisting of his lips .
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