Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] on [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In the end , de Gaulle could only secure peace at the expense of a series of humiliating concessions to the FLN — concessions which could be justified only on the grounds that they averted the yet higher costs of not making them .
2 He tried , though perhaps without much success , to restrict the use of chrism to bishops , and , making a further distinction between royal and episcopal consecration , he ordered that kings , like emperors , were to be anointed only on the arms or shoulders and hands , not on the head .
3 This means that a management policy that is injurious to employee interests can be attacked only on the grounds that the directors lacked good faith , meaning that the directors did not honestly believe that the policy constitutes an appropriate balancing of interests , or that they have altogether disregarded the impact of their decision on the employees .
4 To some extent a loss of conditioned responding is to be expected purely on the grounds that conditioning tends to be context-specific .
5 Is there any obligation for an external audit to be carried out on the books and records of the organisation , or is this a matter to be decided according to an internally agreed constitution ?
6 they have done so on the grounds that the company is entitled to the benefit of those exemptions as a small ( or medium ) company .
7 So inflexible was this masterplan that when New Scientist attempted to introduce someone who knew nothing about computers to the machine ( it is claimed to be very easy to use ) we were turned down on the grounds that ‘ this would upset the timetable ’ .
8 An amendment that the palace be run jointly with the Graduate Union was turned down on the grounds that ‘ the Graduates are too old and it 's bad for their health . ’
9 Invitations were turned down on the grounds that ‘ we would only have to ask them back ’ .
10 An action begun in Glasgow for possession of the books , papers and effects was turned down on the grounds that the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not registered in Scotland and that the complaint had therefore been raised " without title or authority " , though these effects were , claimed Shinwell , later handed over " for the sake of peace and quiet " .
11 St Osyth 's College of Education at Clacton-on-Sea proposed a BEd in 1969 and by December of the following year it had been turned down on the grounds that the College did not have an ‘ appropriate academic structure ’ , more thought about the objectives of the course ( it was for teachers of Home Economics ) was needed , the staff needed strengthening , the library expanding and laboratory facilities improving .
12 The decision not to simply take over the entire MoMA show was made partly on the grounds that the Pompidou has already mounted a major Matisse retrospective ( in 1971 ) , and partly through a desire to study in depth a period of the artist 's life now viewed as fundamental for the development of twentieth-century painting .
13 words , some future researched , that the printer here , missed that bit , you know , she should have said , and her mother 's name , but her mother 's got missed out on the proofs or something , I do n't , this is the kind of thing that happens , of course .
14 At the outset , five hypotheses were selected prospectively on the grounds that they were refutable within the context of the study design , that they were of relevance to current duodenal ulcer research , or that they were of potential importance for both ulcer healing and ulcer recurrence .
15 The documents were handed over on the grounds that this could be compelled under section 2(2) of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 .
16 Various provisions of the Education Reform Act 1988 ( ERA ) , particularly those relating to LMS ( under which a school 's funding is based largely on the numbers and ages of its pupils ) and more open enrolment , are aimed at creating a climate of heightened competition between schools for pupils , and the present study will be conducted within this new context .
17 Its case was based both on the opportunities that this route offered for regional development in the northern Negev , and on the destructive effects on the environment that any of the other routes entailed .
18 In 1944 , as we have seen , it was presumed that the best minds must be educated in the way that was traditional , by means of the grammar school curriculum , based originally on the classics and mathematics , gradually expanded , before the war , to include modern languages and experimental sciences .
19 MY APPROACH TO colour mixing is based firmly on the processes that take place within the paint film when colours are combined .
20 Springing was provided only on the bolsters and above the axle boxes giving a comfortable ride but a tendency to roll .
21 Guinness plays a key role in the Irish economy where an immense contribution is made each year ; for instance , over IR£200 million is spent annually on the wages and salaries bill for its 3,000 employees up and down the country , along with the purchase of home grown raw materials and other requirements for its operations in the Republic .
22 Some semblance of co-operation was finally attained only on the grounds that it was everyone 's responsibility to protect the band from the internal dissension and strife which the affair was creating .
23 When the appellant received notice of the order , he applied for the order to be set aside on the grounds that he had no notice of the proceedings and had nothing to do with it .
24 The defendants successfully applied to the English court for this service to be set aside on the grounds that personal service by the agent of a foreign litigant without the approval of the Swiss authorities was a criminal offence under the Swiss Penal Code and could not be regarded as valid service , as no English court could authorise service which was contrary to the internal law of the country in which service was to be effected .
25 The defence lawyers had walked out on the grounds that the trial lacked procedural guarantees , and that the court , as a military one , had no jurisdiction .
26 This is best laid out on the plates whilst the brains are being simmered .
27 In nearly all examinations the scripts are not judged simply on the questions that the student has answered , where he has not answered all he was expected to answer .
28 Later the woman 's benefit was cut off on the grounds that she and her lodger were living together as husband and wife , and he must therefore maintain her .
29 This is an important shift away from the concept that a firm is competent to carry out investment business and may be authorised solely on the grounds that its partners have at some time qualified as chartered accountants .
30 Your Lordships were told that Mr. Page started an action in the Queen 's Bench Division for wrongful dismissal which action was struck out on the grounds that the matter fell within the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor of the university , Her Majesty the Queen .
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