Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [prep] the [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Two square escutcheon plates , each incised with a cross , have been riveted on to the surface above and below the keyhole .
2 But I 've fallen on to the floor often enough to know how to get up .
3 Keep tucked in behind the side always said to you , the bloke in the front , mate , he does all the donkey work , picking up drags you round do n't it ?
4 And it 's being pencilled in for the weekend after Wigan are due to defend their world sevens title in Sydney on February 5-7 .
5 So often the right tool for the job is hanging in the tool shed at home when you are helping a friend in his house , or have broken down in the car away from home .
6 And some of these were found in Bristol harbour er and the pattern of the cloths was pressed in to the lead so we were able to put a microscope to that and see how it should be woven .
7 They must have been filled in at the bank either by Mr Hatton himself or else by the cashier who was attending to him . ’
8 She sat at the table and painstakingly wrote down the sums of money that should have come in for the work already done .
9 But she soon realised that they had come down to the manor only as a duty ( perish the word ! ) and courtesy to her , and regarded the house as a white elephant , being too far away and too cold for weekend breaks .
10 The majority of the deaf and dumb were still leading wretched and isolated lives , scattered all over the country singly or in small groups , untouched by change and ignorant of the world at large .
11 The road before looked much like the road behind .
12 This meal of horse might be compared to the draught of air that a drowning man who has fought his way to the surface manages to inhale before being whirled down into the depths again .
13 Modigliani sketched a middle-aged couple in evening dress who had probably dropped in to the Rotonde late one night .
14 The clouds have dropped down over the mountain so that the evangelicals and charismatics on the first contour above the town have vanished into the mist .
15 The procedures for the flexible sale process and auction are considered separately in the sections below .
16 And er , we 'll see that if they 've , if they 've come through with the goods all right .
17 I mean for a it 's a habit , why he walks like that because he 's come home from the Duke so many times pissed in n it ?
18 A DRIVER 'S legs were torn off at the knees yesterday when his car split in two in a horrific crash .
19 A DRIVER 'S legs were torn off at the knees yesterday when his car split in two in a horrific crash .
20 ‘ You have come up from the coast then ?
21 And if your eyes followed the river westwards , you could have looked up from the valley directly on to the bald patch that was the cultivated land midway up the forested slope of Jimale .
22 You no doubt have picked up on the typos etc. but it is sometimes useful to have another ‘ eye ’ .
23 But her remarks in America would subsequently be picked up by the papers here — so she would have two platforms .
24 The efforts of the government and the reversal of the alliance with the intellectuals failed to keep out a trickle of French newspapers : contraband books were picked up by the Inquisition all over Spain between 1790 and 1792 .
25 She 'd thought about going back to her room for a while , maybe find out from Josie what she 'd been caught up in the night before , but it would take her more than half an hour to walk .
26 A high-pass filter was used to isolate the local ( high-frequency ) variation which was then added back to the image so that the local component was effectively doubled , thus amplifying or exaggerating its importance .
27 The trouble was that Deborah had never come back through the wood before , only the one way — to Pack Meetings .
28 Well they have n't come back from the shop yet .
29 And the N R A have come out with the reason now , saying that the river is cooler in the winter periods , when the fishing seems to be off , and the fish are n't biting .
30 Would er my honourable friend agree with me that one of the reasons why we 've come out of the recession so well is the fact that we do n't have a social contract and .
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