Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A general waiver has been granted by the Council to permit the establishment of staff bonus schemes which make payments to employees calculated by reference to the gross fee income or net profits of the firm ; which are open to all employees subject only to a short ( maximum three years ) qualifying period ; where the basis of distribution ( length of service , proportionate to salary etc ) is disclosed to the staff , but where the actual level of profits or income need not be so disclosed ; and where no distribution is permitted which is related to the introduction of business .
2 No costs may be claimed which were incurred before the relevant date set out in the Grant Offer Letter .
3 In temperate countries an acute syndrome of severe diarrhoea and death in young ponies in the spring has been reported which is associated with the simultaneous mass emergence of trichoneme L4 from the intestinal mucosa and submucosa .
4 Michelle Dixon had claimed she was sacked from the massive Trees Park Village home in Middleton St George near Darlington after expressing concern over allegations of mice and cockroaches on the premises .
5 Cover the traps with a sack or something similar so that should the ferret emerge and be caught she is protected from the elements .
6 Friends of the Earth 's Tropical Forest spokesman described the report as " the story of an ecological catastrophe in the making " , and added that " the government should have the courage to publish the report — after all , the British people paid for it … the government has let itself be led by the nose by the timber trade into suppressing the report for the narrow commercial advantage of those involved . "
7 But they are the exceptions and it has to be stressed we are looking at the patient in a wider context .
8 Two days later the oil caught fire and the wharf and ships being repaired there were damaged by the fire .
9 In his view , the revelation of God in Jesus Christ , and the repairing and restoring of fallen human nature brought about through it , were nothing less than a miraculous new beginning , an act of creative divine power , whose discontinuity from what had preceded it was signalled by the double miracle of Jesus ' birth from a virgin and his resurrection from the grave .
10 Sir Alan has in the past written about his deep misgivings over intervention and has recently let it be known in the City that he believes the economy is at last showing signs of pronounced slowdown , a view not fully shared by the Treasury .
11 I 'd forgotten what was happening in the world until Treacher pronounced those ancient incantations from my childhood .
12 Governments in Britain in the eighteenth century did not do very much ; some of the neglect of the colonies simply paralleled what was happening in the British Isles .
13 ‘ We consider that where a benefit is received which is covered by the rules for registration , it does not become exempt from registration simply because , when offset against associated costs or inconvenience , it can be represented as a net disbenefit to the recipient . ’
14 Due to the anti-Japanese war of nineteen thirty seven to forty five , the United Front was formed which was committed to the maintenance of a broad alliance of classes .
15 so it is erm something of a step forward , erm we 've had material in the past which you may have seen which was recorded from the telly , a couple of years ago in nineteen ninety
16 At the trial the mother gave evidence that when the forceps were applied she was lifted off the bed .
17 That done they were directed to the ACR counter at the end of the reception desk where an efficient young woman issued the petrol coupons and the vouchers for the hotels where they were booked in .
18 When they are exhaled they are filtered through the white crystals of soda lime , and a bacterial filter .
19 As fast as the packages are unloaded they are checked with the consignment notes , trundled off to weighing machines for their weight to be recorded , and are then conveyed to the decks or platforms convenient to the spot where they will be loaded later in the day .
20 Perhaps when memories were made they were stored in the form of continuous reverberating circuits , endless electrical loops made by opening or closing synaptic connections ?
21 Across the region regulators have said they are overwhelmed by the scale of the problem , the situation being compounded by a steady stream of newly found leaks .
22 It is said they were led along the secret paths by a traitor , these paths almost certainly being what we know as the Pilgrims , Way to Aylesford .
23 Earlier , Tommy and Iain had said they were fighting up the road .
24 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
25 When it was built it was described in the letters pages of the Daily Telegraph as ’ a monsterous erection , ’ but the people of Faringdon would n't be without their folly now .
26 I am not even sure we would say that the parrot had said it was going to the bank , that is , had made an assertion .
27 While they were saying so , Marshall was contacting Mrs Tavett and learning that her husband had said he was going to the surgery that morning but had not been home since .
28 What they can do is to consider whether at the time the decision was made it was intended by the patient to apply in the changed situation .
29 I 've got I 'm going to the cash and carry anyway .
30 TELL you what , Test Match Special may have celebrated its being saved for the nation by ditching Don Mosey .
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