Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [noun sg] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I went upstairs , had a wash then took my place at the dining table .
2 Merlyn demanded to know why he had not reported her departure at the time .
3 ‘ THEY keep on writing you off — but they 're wrong , ’ beamed a delighted Roy Inman , the women 's team manager , as Ann Hughes , Britain 's top lightweight , stepped off the mat having won her semi-final at the World Championships here yesterday .
4 The 27-year-old mother 's ordeal began when the kidnapper jumped out at her after she had parked her car at the top of a multi-storey at a shopping centre in Eastleigh , Hants .
5 It had been forty-five minutes earlier when Dr Barbara Moule had parked her Fiesta at the Chesterton Hotel , finding John Ashenden waiting for her a little anxiously .
6 ( They will already have curled their lip at a book such as this and moved on . )
7 Dawn Allenby presented Richard St Ives with an oil-painting of a bull in a tortoise-shell frame which had caught her eye at the back of a butcher 's stall in St John 's Market .
8 Now Dr Winfield — and I have ratified this — made 127 sorties ; he could not have enjoyed his period at the Institute very much because he never seemed to he there , But he would come on a station with some project he wanted to fully research and he believed the only way to fully research these things was to " try them out on the dog " .
9 If he 's never caught his breath at the sight of your crooked smile , or felt his heart lurch with love at the sound of your voice , or watched you walk across a room and wanted you and finally found out that you return his feelings , then he 's a poor man and I 'm the richest man in the world .
10 Alf , the Conway House driver , had parked his bus at the end of the road , and , as they approached , Rachel could see the passengers waving to them .
11 The pain was the result of a German mortar fragment which had smashed his thigh at the battle of Arnhem , three years before .
12 ‘ We 've enjoyed our stay at the top and we want to stay there .
13 I 've just visited my grandmother at the chapel of rest and I 'm pleased she does n't know anything about this
14 I 've phoned my friend at the hospital — a Dr Mackintosh .
15 There was sadness at the absence of Steffi Graf , who had to return home without playing because , within days of recovering from the flu that had disrupted her appearance at the Hopman Cup , she went down with German measles .
16 The court was told that all three were now grown up , with the girls 27 and 31 , and had only just revealed their ordeal at the hands of their stepfather .
17 All of them had been trained by the School from the age of eight or nine , eight having made their debut at the Winter Gardens at Blackpool .
18 They had missed his flute at the wedding .
19 You must have noticed our grass at the front on your way in then .
20 In its role as the chief purveyor of propaganda and agitation , the press had shifted its accent at the start of NEP .
21 On the day on which Saad Rashid had received the confirmation of the transaction from Switzerland , he had tidied his desk at the back of the Iraqi Airlines office , taken what few personal possessions he kept there and placed them in his briefcase , locked his door , pocketed his key , and told his assistant manager that he believed he was showing the first symptoms of the ‘ flu that was sweeping London .
22 O K , but if you have n't shown your face at the window in the first couple of minutes I 'm coming in after you . ’
23 Ranged against these pro-Green Belt interests are those who feel that existing restraint policies have outlived their usefulness at a time of rapid socioeconomic change , and are positively detrimental to the communities they are meant to protect .
24 His counsel , Mr Charles Gray , QC , suggested that the libel had damaged his reputation at a time when he was about to break into serious acting after a string of top 10 hits as a pop star and a stint in the Australian TV soap , Neighbours .
25 Others may have shared my depression at the spectacle of party activists of various political persuasions sitting , stopwatch in hand , to measure the amount of time given to their views compared with those of their opponents .
26 Political propaganda on the part of the American Relief Administration , by far the longest foreign source of aid , warped its judgement at the time , and the subsequent polarization of Russian-American relations has not improved the objectivity of later scholarly accounts of the Famine as seen through American eyes .
27 As the discussion followed between the now cosseted intruder and the male members of the small walking party which had found its grail at the lakeside Hotel , Miss Skelton was deferred to by her father , complimented by her mother , patted and plumped by her friends and avoided only by the chaplain , the Reverend Nicholson , who , Hope judged , was in love with her but too poor to press , too honourable to hotly pursue any claim .
28 Unknown to Merseyside Police , the Samaritans received a telephone call about midday from a man believed to be Mr Ashworth saying he had abandoned his son at a citizen 's advice bureau in Brandon Street , Hamilton , near Glasgow .
29 Cloud by day and fire by night marked his presence at the tabernacle , which was quite literally in their midst .
30 That book portrayed her as an insecure child , who had overcome her unhappiness at the time of her mother 's elopement by zealously nursing her younger brother .
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