Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [noun sg] on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had forgotten my quest on the previous day in the pleasure of the poets ' company .
2 On July 16 Baker confirmed that Syria had dropped its insistence on a significant role for the UN at the conference and was prepared to settle for a UN observer .
3 To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the 1916 Rising , the National Museum of Ireland has revised its exhibition on the vital period of modern Irish history between 1900 and 1921 and called it ‘ The Road to Independence ’ .
4 No — each lady had personally placed her cake on the long table — without assistance .
5 At Ångelholm , we were joined by two more people , a grim-looking older woman all in black , who looked as if she had n't smiled since 1937 and who spent the entire journey watching me as if she had seen my face on a wanted poster , and by a fastidious older man who I guessed to be a recently retired schoolmaster and took an instant dislike to .
6 After several desultory attempts , followed by a brief ( and nurse-crammed ) estrangement and then one big fight , he has reestablished their relationship on a sexual footing .
7 San Diego have built their success on a dominating defense , a good running game and a sound season from quarterback Stan Humphries , signed from the Washington Redskins at the start of the season to replace injured John Friesz .
8 They are employed by multinational companies which , during this period of structural change , have organized or reorganized their production on a worldwide basis with different parts of the production process carried out in different countries .
9 Ferguson accompanied the European Ryder Cup team as Colin Montgomery 's personal guru to Kiawah Island last year and has groomed many leading amateurs , several of whom who have made their mark on the European professional circuit .
10 Certainly these two had made their mark on the ever-widening fields of botany and horticulture when John Bartram wrote his first letter to Philip Miller on 20 April 1755 :
11 Alas , many others had already made their judgment on the flimsy evidence of that supposed phone call … and had found the next King guilty .
12 The sergeant bumped over the sleeping-policemen and gazed at the neatly trimmed lawns and hedges with aggrieved jealousy in his eyes : the private estate was a symbol of a world from which he was excluded , a world of privilege and snobbery , a world that had turned its back on the poor , the sick and the unfashionable who had been swarming round their car only ten minutes before .
13 Rovers ' contract rebel , who is the subject of a reported £70,000 bid from Hull , has temporarily turned his back on the professional game to return to his amateur roots .
14 Speculation that he had turned his back on the fast world of Wall Street finance was fuelled by reports that he has spent his time in prison studying the Jewish religion .
15 Your correspondent has re-read his report on the 1968 Glasgow Actuarial Students ’ supper and considers the article probably conveyed as much on his changing view of the world as it did on the supper itself .
16 Had Furlanetto done his homework on the great singers of the past , simply in order to try and absorb something of the tradition in double-quick time ?
17 Ever since Victor had saved his life on the deadly ravine-wire crossing they had become firm friends .
18 In November 1 172 he had met his father-in-law on the Norman border and it was believed that Louis VII had urged him to demand what was rightfully his .
19 There 's an Antiques Fair this week just along Park End Street , and I 'd got my eye on a little set of drawers , yew-wood veneer .
20 In Asia , such ‘ cultigens ’ include the coconut , which may have had its origin on the Great Barrier Reef , and the mango , the talipot palm , Corypha umbraculifera , its leaves used as writing paper , and the betel nut with narcotic fruits .
21 Make it very clever , she 's got her woman on the front page boys .
22 One project that Warnke has had in mind since he came to Hamburg in 1982 , has been finding more space for the art history department , and to this end he has had his eye on the former Warburg house with its famous oval reading room , conceived by Aby Warburg and opened to readers in 1926 , one year after his death .
23 He 'd equipped his facility on the orbital Tech-Green research base — annexed to Sky City One — with an incuvat ; the means to commit virtual suicide in a complete reality .
24 he 's got his heart on the right instead of his left , the liver on the left instead of the right , the appendix on the left instead of the right and other internal organs possibly
25 He wants us to develop our own line of ready-bottled cocktails : I can see he 's got his eye on a new bottling plant !
26 Another backbencher was told his place on a Foreign Office organised trip would be withdrawn if he defied the Government .
27 ‘ You 've had your eye on the main chance from the very beginning , have n't you ?
28 Thus , natural justice has been held to be applicable to cases of disciplinary action within a university and to expulsion for failure in examinations , although in the latter case the examiners had based their decision on the personal attributes of the candidate as well as exam marks .
29 He has based his game on the prime virtues of line and length , backed by great stamina .
30 Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest also based his judgment on the nineteenth century jurisprudence .
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