Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [noun sg] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In his unobtrusive way he had shown his interest in my faltering attempts to climb the golfing ladder , and had even carried my bag in the Amateur Championship .
2 Danov said : " I certainly assume that Zhivkov and some other people in his government who have paraded their innocence in the last few years will be indicted . "
3 or , Thomas ( c. 1784–1818 ) , prizefighter , was born a Virginia slave , and is reputed to have won his freedom in the American prize-ring .
4 McKeever was cleared of the assault charge after he said Mr McNally had approached his table in an aggressive way with his fists up and all he had done was push him away .
5 Even so , dismissal should never come as a bolt from the blue , however exalted your place in the corporate hierarchy .
6 Cleo had never , to her knowledge , seen a ghost , although she had often sensed their presence in the shadowed , tragedy-haunted alleys of the Burrows .
7 It is submitted that it would be ill-advised to treat such statements made in one House after the Bill had completed its passage in the other House as an expression of the intention of , in the words of Lord Browne-Wilkinson , ‘ Parliament as a whole ’ .
8 Given their reputation in the 1970s , who would have thought that British car workers would match their counterparts in Japan or Germany as they do now , not only for productivity , but for quality as well ?
9 Hardly anyone over 40 does , though they will have absorbed its influence in a hundred ways , from the design of their daily paper to the styling of the latest television lager ad and the clothes and music their children consume .
10 Having made sure students have written their name in the appropriate space , at the top of the paper , collect in all the papers which are then ready to mark .
11 These two emerging types of household have traditionally sought their housing in the rented sector , both public and private .
12 The great majority of practitioners proclaimed their belief in the only way they could — through sound classroom practice .
13 Though the single-break flat-lidded coffin had made its entrance in the last quarter of the sixteenth century — the lead shell of Lady Elizabeth Howard ( d.1591 ) with appliqué lettering at Withyham , Sussex , is of this type , as is the pictorial representation of Sir Henry Unton 's 1596 coffin in the Unton portrait at the National Portrait Gallery , as well as a small sculptural representation of a coffin on the 1615 mural monument to Susan Kinges at Morston , Norfolk — the single-break gable-lidded shell seems to have been more popular .
14 She had met her connection in the usual place but the moment the deal was struck they were busted by three plainclothes policemen who had been watching them from an unmarked car on the opposite side of the road .
15 On the day arrangements went smoothly and we were settling ourselves on the 1220 ex Llangollen when Colin appeared in person , having done his work in the small hours and put our visit ahead of his sleep !
16 Louis Dersingham was clearly annoyed to find himself having answered his sister in the first place .
17 She swam and sunbathed , went sightseeing , worked on her designs , talked brightly on the phone with Lucy , or Dad or Charles whenever they rang her , forcing herself not to ask whether Guy had moved in on the firm yet , and then wincing when Lucy said that he 'd made his mark in a dramatic emergency board meeting , put up the backs of most of the board of directors when he announced sweeping measures to increase profitability , cut overheads …
18 But man also has made his mark in the many ancient monuments , castles and churches that dot the countryside and small villages .
19 As chairman of the British Railways Board ( 1963–5 ) , Beeching had made his reputation in the public sector by the impressive way he had tackled the thankless job of modernizing the outdated rail network .
20 Only a sharp expression in the eyes suggested how he had made his way in the do-or-die world of modern publishing , where niceness gets you nowhere .
21 A jackdaw with a taste for seedless grapes has made his home in an exclusive lingerie shop .
22 On the very narrowest level , it seemed to him , Rudolf Hess must be a gold mine of strategic information , although the experts at SIS had said his position in the Nazi hierarchy was not perhaps all it had been or appeared to be .
23 Belinda knew this because she had seen his photograph in the social pages of the newspaper more than once .
24 By spending more resources on this matter , as I intend to do , having tripled our programme in the past 10 years , I believe that we shall make still further progress , with the help of education , too .
25 I have used my vote in the General Election once or twice , but not recently .
26 I believe that , by investing here , German and Japanese companies and those of other countries have shown their confidence in the British economy .
27 Membership of the European Community since 1973 has helped attract foreign companies in droves , while better management of a virtually strike-free economy has transformed its performance in the past few years .
28 This capacity to enjoy beauty could have had its origin in the elaborate effects of association between , to quote just one possibility , the peace and beauty of a woodland retreat , and the relief to be felt in being there after suffering , for example , the pain of a lost battle .
29 His fervently expressed hope in the coming of the Age of the Holy Spirit may have had its origin in the Jewish concept of the Messianic Age , for like the latter it was regarded by him as lying essentially within history and not beyond it , being indeed the climax of history .
30 By the end of The Order of Things , however , he revises this somewhat conventional thesis to suggest that what was involved was not so much a move from a static to a historical view of things as the break-up of a common , unified historical time-scheme in which every phenomenon had had its place in the same space and chronology .
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