Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [adv] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had come on as sub just as Tottenham began to turn the tide against an Everton side who had torn them apart in the first half .
2 She flushed , as if he had caught her out in a social solecism .
3 Remarkably it 's Derry fourth successive appearance in the final — they 've won it twice in the last three years .
4 He had hidden himself then in the deepest hole he could find because the lightning and the thunder alarmed him .
5 He had always seen them somewhere in the medical field as well as on a rugby pitch .
6 Now a widow , Mabel has made her home in the compact whitewashed building , tucked in one of Whitby 's historic yards .
7 His climbing achievements are many , but it is his attempts on Everest which have lodged him firmly in the public consciousness .
8 He had seen him only in the dense fog .
9 ‘ It 's absurd — I look on Margaret as my best friend , but I 've only seen her once in the last six months — I do feel guilty about it . ’
10 It is saying , and I think everyone agrees , do n't abolish this until you 've thought it through and either provided an alternative or done it again in a different way . ’
11 They 're sure to give the go-ahead , otherwise they would n't have chucked it out in the first place .
12 Perhaps they had even bought them together in the same store , on the same day .
13 That much was real estate , available to anyone with the right money , although it did n't help to discover that Alison and her late husband , a philosophy don at Balliol , had bought it back in the early sixties for less than £2,000 .
14 And since he 'd opened it up in the first place — and he definitely owed David Dennis a drink for putting him onto it — every chance of a couple of TV spots on the strength of it .
15 you see , I mean what they do is soon as they 've kicked them out in the mental homes they 're having to put them in to erm , I mean erm , there are people who are not able to be on their own , I mean the ones they 've kicked out are people that have been depressed and say well you 've got to find , get your family to help , I mean , when you 've got somebody depressed in your family you try and help them
16 The baby-faced rapist knocked on her door in the early hours , claiming to be a neighbour who had locked himself out in the pouring rain .
17 The same scenario had played itself out in a hundred different ways when she was a child .
18 Could that even have been why Branson had invited her back in the first place ?
19 Selene never again made a long speech , but she was happy ; and after Mrs Gracie died Dinah took shares in the business , which by then had set itself up in the old Asshe house while Dinah moved out to Hampstead .
20 After Gary Blissett had pulled one back in the 78th minute , substitute Marcus Gayle missed a great chance four minutes from the final whistle to level it .
21 Her mother had brought her up in the strict religion of the Mormon church , which made her very guilty about having sex .
22 But while a cruise across the Mediterranean with Clive Kemp had posed no problems at all , the very thought of being alone on a boat with Nathan Bryce for however long it took to sail two thousand miles brought her out in a cold sweat and turned her insides to jelly .
23 When Margie had mentioned his association with Greg Martin , the financier who had made him the loan which had set him up in a small showroom and enabled him to move the sewing machines out of the living room and into a work room , Hugo became not so much evasive as totally silent .
24 By the time that Lothar arrived in Paris , probably in the 1180s , perhaps earlier , the theology taught there was no longer the speculative , probing theology of Peter Abelard ( which was perhaps the reputation that had brought him there in the first place ) , but had become more concerned with practical issues and doctrine .
25 Although the very thought of court action had brought him out in a cold sweat , the same grittiness which had enabled his father to jump ship and seek a new life now came to his rescue .
26 Ralph had laid it down in the 1950s .
27 Sinead has really pulled it off in a big , bold way here ; her honesty and emotional intensity permeate every bar , every nuance of every lyric .
28 SINEAD HAS really pulled it off in a big , bold way ; her honesty and emotional intensity permeate every bar , every nuance of every lyric .
29 That area of your life not only is of no interest to me , but I also consider it in very poor taste that you should have brought it up in the first place ! ’
30 And , if it had not been for the speedy response from the coastguard , the boys would have found themselves out in the open sea .
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