Example sentences of "[det] [Wh pn] [verb] [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However few who die are reckoned fit to enter directly into the presence of God and the vast majority of Roman Catholics expect to go first to Purgatory either on account of dying ‘ in venial sin ’ ( Catechism P. 32 ) or being ‘ indebted to God 's justice on account of mortal sin . ’
2 Mr Ahtisaari said that only 315 people were then found to be unaccounted for , because the mission 's list contained duplications , vague identifications , names of people who have been released and repatriated , names of people never detained and some who have been reported dead .
3 So far as wasted costs orders were concerned , cover was already provided by the BMIF for the benefit of those who had been made subject to such orders ; but that cover did not extend to related costs .
4 As the news of the quarrel between the Old King 's sons spread , those who had been defeated last year took fresh courage , while others like Geoffrey of Lusignan , who had previously been too cautious to join the revolt , now decided that their moment had come .
5 The results of the Concorde trial came as ‘ a considerable shock ’ , he says , particularly to those who had been expecting some positive outcome , however small .
6 On Feb. 16 the Serbian LC further demanded that what it termed " illegal immigrants " from Albania should be repatriated , and that those who had been granted Yugoslavian citizenship should be stripped of their rights if they had acted against the constitutional order .
7 Now that sheep-stealing , forming trade unions and various other minor offences do not merit transportation to the colonies , a similar pardon may be granted to those who had been deemed worthy of such punishment in a different age .
8 The sleazy sell which accompanies the three-page advert points to those who have been given large sums of money shortly after acquiring their cross .
9 I hope to visit relevant training programmes in the Philippines and Southern Africa , where possible participating as a trainee , in order to learn from the experience of those who have been undertaking this work for some years ; and to identify elements in the training processes which may be transferrable or adaptable to a UK situation .
10 The only people who will go for a pub will be those who have been made redundant from their jobs and will consider taking leases .
11 Those who have been living near to parents or who have remained in very close touch with them , are going to feel the immediate absence of the parent they loved more keenly than those who have broken away from close family ties and kept up only a dutiful contact with father or mother .
12 A politics of the future has to engage with , learn from , the new , never to be simply satisfied with tracking opinion polls or empty gestures but empowering those who have been left cold by all our agendas .
13 The only people who are likely to experience extended periods of spontaneous regression are those who have been practising deep meditation over a prolonged period of time and have reached a high degree of competence in this field .
14 She may appear to become quite self= centred , and those who have been doing all they can to help her may become exasperated and tempted to hint that it is time she tried to ‘ pull herself together ’ , for by then they too will be feeling the strain .
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