Example sentences of "[det] [vb -s] been [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All that has been written above about the identification of the goodness of Christ 's teachings with the objectives of the creation of the Created God , can be applied equally to the teachings of the outstanding figures of all religions and of all religious history .
2 That has been spurred on by the successful growth of that sector in Britain .
3 Close the two lapels , and continuing the old traditional method , bind firmly but not too tightly with raffia — you can buy this as ‘ bass ’ from a sundries shop — that has been prepared previously into 18 inch ( 45cm ) lengths and well soaked to make it soft and pliable .
4 Nearly all of that has been turned over to animal feed .
5 No. 9 has been on the parent line at Brecon operating Santa Specials , but all that has been seen out in Aberystwyth has been the diesel which has been out most weekdays on engineers ' trains .
6 An earlier proposal was £8 , but that has been scaled down in the face of protest .
7 All that has been said earlier about the need to have time to take in bad news is obviously not appropriate .
8 I wonder whether that has been carried out to the letter on one or two occasions in the last ten years .
9 A lot of that has been set aside in substance and certainly in the attitudes and language which come from the government .
10 It is extraordinary how all that has been slung out of the window . ’
11 This has been borne out to an extent by recent research into teacher stress .
12 The construction of an appropriate regulatory framework is extremely complex and this has been borne out by the US experience .
13 We always knew there were many first-class journalists in the region and this has been borne out by the contributions . ’
14 This has been recognised periodically since the 17th century .
15 Hitherto , this has been contracted out to independent designers .
16 The other point I would make is the further that the new settlement is from York itself , then the greater would be the dependency upon the motor car , this has been born out by the paper that has been submitted by York City Council in table one where one can see that within the urban area within the O R R the travel to work by car is forty six point four percent , travel to work in the Greater York area at the moment is sixty seven point five percent , further than that I do believe it would be even greater .
17 But sources have confirmed that this has been ruled out by the Treasury in the current round of public expenditure talks .
18 Turning to the subject of handwriting , this has been touched on at the beginning of this chapter .
19 British infancy research has a well-established National , European and International reputation , and this has been built up by many eminent researchers working separately at their different institutions .
20 This has been pounced on by Germany , France and by the Commission — not , as the British would wish , further to liberalise trade within the Community , but , for instance , to try to abolish controls on the movement of immigrants .
21 The German Bund contract was strong from the outset , probably due to the previously unsatisfied demand for derivatives based on German bonds , but this has been strengthened considerably by the reunification of Germany and the resulting uncertainty about long term yields on German paper .
22 But immediately Hilton makes it clear that such a life-style involves an active life of its own if the peace that is sought is to be found , for it may not be had : This has been defined earlier as : Such an active component of spiritual endeavour is a concomitant of man 's temporal nature .
23 Thus conservation has become a much more difficult and demanding area , but this has been made up for by an improvement in the scientific knowledge now available to the conservator .
24 I suspect this has been made up by the Friends of Ben Wyvis Society , who are making an attempt to liven up the image of one of the dullest Munros .
25 This has been pointed out by Lind ( 1983 : 271 ) , who adduces the following examples to show that there is " no correlation between active participation and omission of to " : ( 23 ) … he said briefly , helping me climb in through the rear window .
26 Although this has been argued over for fifty years , the size of this ancient catastrophe now seems incontrovertible .
27 The need for this has been argued strongly by economists critical of mainstream public finance , notably in the work of Buchanan .
28 This has been altered greatly in later times and was neglected in the nineteenth century .
29 This has been refuted both by the success rate of absent healing and trials on non-suggestible organisms such as the sick cress seeds healed by Boltwood in recent experiments at London University .
30 There could have been a greater degree of specialization , but this has been avoided here in order to emphasise the collaborative nature of many of the specialisms to be found in the production function .
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