Example sentences of "[det] [vb -s] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Part of that refers to the ways in which people fall short in their living , which is what we call sin , so it is not simply about that .
2 Oh over eighty pounds , but then a lot of that goes on the horses with the Fox favourites .
3 The excitement concerns a bone in the floor of the skull , that lies between the eyes of amphisbaenians , called the orbitosphenoid bone .
4 This differs from the results of Kreps and Wilson , which show that players acquire a reputation and never lose it , by masquerading as a dominant strategy type .
5 This points to the changes in employment and related opportunities between the generations .
6 In contrast , Skinner regards language as part of the process by which human beings interact with their environment and this points to the relations between utterances and their environmental effects as the natural focus for research activity .
7 The reason for this lies in the limitations to which I have already referred .
8 This allows for the entries to be made by machine accounting whereby several operations can be carried out at the same time .
9 It all revolves around correct timing , and this depends on the reactions of the fish at the time .
10 This depends on the aims of the essay , but it might include : — a judgement about which of the competing arguments you have considered in your essay is correct or most persuasive ;
11 We then have to work out for each molecule which of the Cartesian axes corresponds with which inertial axis , as this depends on the details of the mass-distribution .
12 This shows in the songs of exuberant performers like Luiz Caldez and Elba Ramelho , and there is a hint of reggae in the track by the now veteran Caetano Veloso .
13 Another way into the interior is offered by a stalker 's path from Annat at the head of Loch Torridon ( closed in the later months of the year ) : this leads to the tarns at the foot of Maol Cheandearg with a branch turning off to An Ruadh-stac .
14 This leads to the relationships between different groups , including groups from different cultures .
15 This relies upon the responses to interviews and questionnaires of managers of UK multinationals with foreign R&D facilities , and of managers of foreign firms which have invested in R&D in the UK .
16 This applies between the ages of 65 and 70 for a man and from 60 to 65 for a woman .
17 Mr. Collins argues that this applies in the circumstances of the present case .
18 This accounts for the attempts of fiercely traditional societies , for instance those based upon fundamental islamic principles , to turn the clock back to the past .
19 Speaking in Moscow Tun Razak denied that he had arrived to obtain the official approval of the USSR for the neutralisation of Southeast Asia ‘ because the responsibility for this rests with the countries of Southeast Asia themselves , acting on a collective basis ’ but he hoped that ‘ according to the extent of progress of the countries of Southeast Asia on this path towards our goal the Soviet Government will show sympathy and understanding towards us ’ .
20 This emerges from the trees at a place where there was formerly a kiosk , from where an easy stroll leads past a swimming pool to the village .
21 This derives from the proceeds of the Common External Tariff and agricultural import levies , a VAT component and a resource based upon the gross national products of the Member States .
22 This relates to the limitations of instrumentalist legal theory .
23 This focuses on the effects of God 's grace within our lives ; the evidence of his Spirit at work in our spirits .
24 But what does this means for the homes in particular ?
25 This coincides with the views of some other feminist writers who have been impressed by this distinctively ‘ female ’ contribution to morality .
26 This coincides with the aims of the world chemical industry 's ‘ Responsible Care ’ programme , to which ICI fully subscribes .
27 One wonders what thoughts this invites in the minds of those young readers whose parents are ‘ mere ’ bus drivers , nurses , sheep farmers , or school teachers .
28 In this part of the evaluation , we were interested in finding out what sorts of problems this generates for the levels above LA .
29 Instead , using the measuring jug , bale the water gently over its back so that this runs down the sides of the body , which will be less alarming .
30 That depends on the provisions of the legislation .
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