Example sentences of "[det] [was/were] not [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is well established that any Palestinian delegates must be acceptable to all parties : if this were not already the case , the Palestinian delegation would be made up of PLO members .
2 If this were not so the risk of doing something new would not be justified .
3 But this was not just the effect of slower markets and smaller volumes on commission and fee income .
4 But this was not just the effect of Stalin per se , despite his perverse attraction as a sort of singular-universal who did in effect unite ‘ man ’ with ‘ history ’ : it was also the result of the theoretical collapse of the singular-universal as a totalizing concept that could save history from the aberrant consequences of anti-labour .
5 said that that there was no generally accepted international meaning of the phrase ; he recognised that in some jurisdictions , public law matters were regarded as outside the categories of civil and commercial , but that this was not universally the case ; he , but not the other members of the court , felt that there was insufficient evidence as to the approach of Norwegian law , but was prepared to give the request the benefit of the doubt .
6 However , this was not exclusively the case .
7 This most frequently benefited Gloucester , as the dominant lord , but this was not invariably the case and the ducal councillor Edmund Hastings of Pickering placed one of his sons in Northumberland 's household .
8 This most frequently benefited Gloucester , as the dominant lord , but this was not invariably the case and the ducal councillor Edmund Hastings of Pickering placed one of his sons in Northumberland 's household .
9 This was not invariably the case .
10 For the literate group of women who might be expected to read magazines , this was in fact a transitional period : freed to a greater extent than ever before from the shadow of death , this was not yet the time of the educated lay interest in infant psychology which was soon to be aroused by Montessori , Froebel , Susan Isaacs and the Freudians generally ; nor had the hygienist movement yet got under way .
11 This was not only the place , this was the Time .
12 It may then be that today situations where men alone are priests , or equally the fact that Christ is a male symbol and God is conceptualized using male metaphors , may make God appear to be ‘ male ’ in a way in which this was not earlier the case .
13 Scarlet admitted that if this was not precisely the case , there was yet room for considering it probable : she had often found difficulty in summoning the aid of the force , being directed by a controller to different stations which in turn would advise her to try elsewhere .
14 This was not quite the end , however ; there were one or two loose ends to be tidied up .
15 I had to say that this was not always the case !
16 While the demand for ‘ great economy ’ meant that Dissenting Gothic became a byword for machine-produced , dull buildings , this was not always the case .
17 This was not always the case in the old system with overlong agendas and items which did not invite or need discussion .
18 This was not always the case .
19 Although John Stork International became , to all intents and purposes , a pure search business , this was not always the case , and it still maintains other interests , including two management assessment firms , who employ several psychologists .
20 In the practical working out of UN policy the UN has to be regarded as a vehicle of American foreign policy ; this was not always the case and the Americans criticised aspects of the functioning of the UN in Korea and especially the attitudes of individual members of UN commissions .
21 This was not always the case .
22 But I knew this was not always the case .
23 This was not always the case .
24 This was not always the case .
25 In some cases , copies were held in both locations , i.e. the Main and departmental libraries , but this was not always the case .
26 This was not always the case .
27 This was not always the case , however , and one still finds some listed companies with non-voting equity .
28 The Marine clenched his own fist which seemed almost as large as any boy 's head , though this was not actually the case .
29 this was not usually the case with ancient coin series .
30 It is clear that this was not necessarily the case .
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