Example sentences of "[det] [Wh det] they would [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But there is at least a hint in the Bill that in certain circumstances opted-out schools ( to be referred to as grant-maintained schools ) might receive extra funds from the DES : although in general such schools are to receive funding equivalent to that which they would have received from the LEA , Clause 67 ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) lay down that for certain ‘ special purposes ’ extra non-recurrent or recurrent grants may be forthcoming .
2 the amounts are designed to bring current award levels up to a value similar to that which they would have had when introduced .
3 For example , someone who has just completed a questionnaire ( at T 1 ) on nutrition may have a response to a film on food additives different from that which they would have had in the absence of the questionnaire .
4 widen their range of reading , turning readily to books , choosing those which they would like to hear or read and saying why ;
5 I wanted them to ste start doing a self assessment on the child about their strengths and weaknesses leading o , into the I A P right and coming through with that what they would like to achieve in where they 'd like to go two years hence .
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