Example sentences of "[det] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These reveal that TSP concentrations have halved since the 1960s. with the downward trend showing some levelling off during the 1980s ( figure 8.7 ) .
2 Most of the alleged incidents occurred during 1985–89 , with some dating back to the late 1970s .
3 The train will be the Ffestiniog 's Vintage Train , made up of the oldest vehicles on the railway , some dating back to the 1860's .
4 Here there are 100,000 old books and illuminated manuscripts , some dating back to the tenth century .
5 The conditions are made up of a myriad of separate agreements , some going back to the 1920s .
6 So this damping down of the sensory input when attention moves elsewhere can occur very early in the pathway from the sense organ to the brain .
7 Tithonus creates a sense of emotional anguish by Tennyson 's use of inversion between lines five and six , ‘ Me only cruel immortality/consumes ’ : This breaking up of the main image of the poem suggests that Tithonus has been captured by immortality .
8 This breaking down of the large molecules to smaller ones is the job of enzymes .
9 Oh it took some sorting out on the next morning .
10 This handing over of the Conservative party , in Denis Healey 's phrase , ‘ from the estate owners to the estate agents ’ , has been a process upper class Tories have watched with distaste .
11 I mean there is extra heating requirement in buildings which are cooled much faster when they are subject to high winds , but I think we can see these coming up in the next ten , fifteen years we will start to see these .
12 A : Classique Tours of Paisley ( 041 889 4050 ) runs fascinating tours taking in the Hebridean Islands , Royal Deeside or the Borders , using comfortable , small , classic buses , many dating back to the 1950s and 60s .
13 Yet anyone who cocked an ear to their self-titled debut EP earlier this year will have been impressed by how un-English it was , both in its rough-hewn melancholic tangle — most obviously echoing both Buffalo Tom and the N-band , though not actually resembling either — and the absence of what has now become the standard English guitar-band attitude : jumped-up barrow boys jostling those same old post-punk moves , all looking out for the main chance and a quick route to the charts .
14 There followed the annus mirabilis of 1889 during which , on Wilson 's later estimate , 130,000 members were enrolled in branches at 45 ports , a number representing , net of officers , engineers , cooks and stewards , " almost the whole of the seamen in the British mercantile marine " , though , he added with unusual candour , " it is true that they are not all paying up at the present time " , partly , it seems , because of the union 's policy of issuing " privilege tickets " involving no entry money or contributions until members could afford to pay .
15 But at the time of the Tughluks , when the gridded lines of now-collapsed rubble were bustling streets and bazaars , armouries and elephant stables , all rising up from the glittering waters of the lake , then the sight must have been breathtaking .
16 . They 're all coming down off the bloody erm .
17 Scunthorpe survived largely because Futcher thought he was offside when he was n't and Deary was when he should n't have been — his 81st-minute goal being disallowed to the despair of the home fans and the delight of those setting off across the black hills .
18 There are also some interesting survivals in terminology like ‘ standards ’ , and ‘ monitors ’ , both words still in common use throughout Africa , both harking back to the English era of ‘ payment by results ’ in the late nineteenth century .
19 Transparent hues predominate , while the edges are drawn in by both scraping back to the white ground and by applying dark lines with a gutta nib , a method also used with the watercolour .
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