Example sentences of "[det] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a general approach , this presents a very attractive picture of human beings , but we must not , on the other hand , allow this to distract us from the pressing reality of society as an institutionalised , patterned , constraining system .
2 was one of the pioneers of embalming and did much to promote it within the Co-operative Funeral Service and was held in high esteem by colleagues for his long standing service to the Institute .
3 For the non-obese patient over 65 years who needs a sulphonylurea , a short-acting drug like tolbutamide has much to commend it as the elderly are more prone to hypoglycaemia .
4 Digital telecommunication has much to recommend it over the analogue alternative , and the move away from analogue systems is n't restricted to the mobile networks .
5 Its positioning accuracy alone ( + or -1mm ) has much to recommend it over the human alternative .
6 Nevertheless , the principle of chisel ploughing has much to recommend it in the right conditions .
7 Far from being unimportant , the study of administration and institutions has much to tell us about the increasing effectiveness of the state and central government in an aspect of government growing more important with every passing year .
8 The Romans , imitating the Greeks of Asia Minor and , nearer home , the Etruscans , thought a grid should have precise right angles , and so the rectangle of streets sits awkwardly in the bend of the river and one has to tack this way and that to cross it to the medieval cathedral and the Roman bridge .
9 For their part , trade unions showed little or no interest in the new community-based movements that emerged from the late 1960s , and saw little to interest them in the educational work that developed around community struggles .
10 It takes little to get me on the right lines .
11 So we have four , five six , seven , eight , nine we have n't even got enough to see us through the next twelve months .
12 This is not to deny that it is an intelligent reaction , and that the sense of when to trust the analogy between present and former situations is in some individuals very intelligent indeed , but there is nothing in that to distinguish it from the other insights and hunches by which we instantaneously synthesize similarities and differences too fine and complex to be analysed before a change in the situation obliterates them .
13 I wanted us both to read it at the same time . ’
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