Example sentences of "[det] [vb mod] be find [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ideas for this may be found in Chapter 4 .
2 Other media , of course , may not require photographs at all , and more of this will be found in Chapter 4 .
3 This can be found in Citizens Advice Bureaux , Law Centres and many local libraries .
4 Traces of this can be found in shamanism and Mithraism , and may well be part of the ancient Egyptian mysteries .
5 An illustration of this can be found in cross-examination of a defendant in one of the trials we considered in the court files : Prosecutor : Why did n't you ask her if she was prepared to have intercourse with you ?
6 An example of this can be found in Goddard 's ( 1987 ) discussion of working-class women in Naples ; whose lives are still based very much on this pattern despite economic changes .
7 An example of this can be found in Darlington Borough Council v Waring & Gillow ( Holdings ) Ltd [ 1988 ] 2 EGLR 159 , discussed at 10.4.2 .
8 A simple home for a single family was often made on a small rock outcrop which was sheer on three sides and from which an approaching enemy could easily be seen and easily ejected , and such can be found at Dun Finn in Kildalton and at Rockside where a sherd of cordon decorated Iron Age pottery was found .
9 A simple home for a single family was often made on a small rock outcrop which was sheer on three sides and from which an approaching enemy could easily be seen and easily ejected , and such can be found at Dun Finn in Kildalton and at Rockside where a sherd of cordon decorated Iron Age pottery was found .
10 Submarine fans have not been found in the Plattendolomit but by analogy with the Z2 Carbonate , it is possible that these may be found in areas where the Z3 Carbonate reaches exceptional thickness .
11 These may be found in surface waters containing nitrogenous matter from sewage .
12 But although devastating historical judgements such as these can be found in abundance amidst the speculations of the ‘ law-and-order ’ movement , the urgency of Britain 's contemporary predicament insists that a much more abbreviated timescale is often used to describe the rapidity of the descent into lawlessness .
13 However , the fat soluble vitamins — A , D , E & K — can be stored in the body and these can be found in root vegetables , spinach , cheese , milk , eggs , fish , fish oils , dairy foods , nuts , green vegetables , and cereals .
14 The company currently employ a number of life-guards however , and these can be found in Staff Services department .
15 Many can be found in Department of Energy publications , and much of the work falls into the domain of site engineers in terms of replacing tungsten filament lamps with fluorescent fittings , boiler plant optimisation , insulation and so on .
16 A good illustration of the latter can be found in Domitila Barrios de Chungara 's account of the daily lives of a Bolivian miner and his family .
17 This raises one last point about the geographical distribution of the symptoms dealt with in this chapter : each can be found outside Charles the Bald 's kingdom ; but the syndrome of generalised cash-relations in the countryside , the proliferation of markets and mints , extensive activities of traders including small-scale ones in civitates , and a pattern of frequent royal residence in or near civitates , can be found only there — and specifically in the north-eastern part of the West Frankish kingdom .
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