Example sentences of "[det] [vb base] in [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its part is often written in the treble clef on G ( 2nd line ) but it is quite immaterial which clef or note is used , provided that a note different from those used for the side-drum and triangle ( if these appear in the same score ) is chosen .
2 The obverse of money market advances is money market deposits , and these work in the same way .
3 The covariant derivative can be used to describe the differential change of any local vector along a given path , because local vectors all transform in the same way .
4 ART TREASURE tours all begin in the same way .
5 Because these three associated religions appear to have in common the belief in one transcendent personal creator , it is often assumed that they all believe in the same God .
6 I might add that this is not an attempt to get publicity as there are only three NME readers in this town — and we all play in the same band !
7 The Consultation Draft which preceded the issue of the COB Rules explained that in order to carry on investment business of the same description ( and so qualify as a market counterparty ) , the putative market counterparty must carry on an activity in relation to a description of investment which both fall in the same paragraphs of Sched 1 to the FSA as the activity and investments of the firm .
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