Example sentences of "[det] [vb base] at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some die at the first hint of frost ; others , for example the damp-living larvae of chironomid midges , can be subjected repeatedly to temperatures of -20°C and below , with up to 90% of their body water frozen , and recover completely on thawing ( Scholander et al , 1953 ) .
2 These jingle at the slightest touch on the head .
3 Some have been designated as sites of special scientific interest ( SSSI ) , but these stop at the low-water mark , allowing rubbish dumping further out on the water .
4 A spreadsheet can be recalculated immediately even if only one figure changes , or if many change at the same time .
5 If the payout ratio is constant , then earnings , dividends and the share price all grow at the same rate g , so g in ( 6.28 ) is also equal to the rate of capital gains .
6 Indeed all look at the recent decision by the and Allied Trade Union to the members who have amalgamated themselves Transport and General Workers .
7 ‘ But with Windows you could have Lotus , WordPerfect and Harvard Graphics , for instance , all open at the same time .
8 And if we all talk at the same time , he ca n't hear anything .
9 When they all arrive at the small town , police patrols swirl around .
10 ‘ We all marvel at the Red Kite , ’ says Gareth , ‘ But we do n't marvel at the little beetles which are the reason it 's there . ’
11 This format makes it easy to fit the words to the ( edited ) pictures and to cue them to the start of each section so that they all come at the right place when they are being recorded onto the video sound track .
12 So a horse may be able to cope with the stress of injury or the stress of being isolated from other horses ; but if they both happen at the same time , the resulting stress and anxiety may be more than the horse can manage successfully .
13 SIGNED AND ACKNOWLEDGED by the above-named MARIUS STEEN the Testator as and for his LAST WILL in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses : William Bartlemas Keanophile Kevin O'Rourke Macreadophile
14 Gimmer Crag forms a head separated from the steep hillside by these two obvious gullies , which both start at the same point .
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