Example sentences of "[det] [vb base] [prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its part is often written in the treble clef on G ( 2nd line ) but it is quite immaterial which clef or note is used , provided that a note different from those used for the side-drum and triangle ( if these appear in the same score ) is chosen .
2 There is such a fine line between the distinctive and downright ugly and unfortunately these fall into the latter category .
3 The obverse of money market advances is money market deposits , and these work in the same way .
4 A spreadsheet can be recalculated immediately even if only one figure changes , or if many change at the same time .
5 The covariant derivative can be used to describe the differential change of any local vector along a given path , because local vectors all transform in the same way .
6 If the payout ratio is constant , then earnings , dividends and the share price all grow at the same rate g , so g in ( 6.28 ) is also equal to the rate of capital gains .
7 The three papers all focus on the same abnormality : an exchange of material ( translocation ) between two chromosomes ( chromosomes 8 and 14 ) that is particularly common in a tumour known as Burkitt 's lymphoma .
8 3 Change these measurements into the units shown : unc One of the important advantages of the metric system is that measurement of length , weight , and volume , all depend upon the same principle , Once you have seen that the system is all based on tens and tenths , you should find it less difficult than other weights and measures .
9 Many vote for the same party every time they vote , and probably give little attention to the personalities or policies of specific candidates .
10 ART TREASURE tours all begin in the same way .
11 ‘ But with Windows you could have Lotus , WordPerfect and Harvard Graphics , for instance , all open at the same time .
12 If this was so , then ‘ Yahweh ’ , ‘ God the Father ’ and ‘ Allah ’ would all refer to the same God , in the way that ‘ The President ’ , ‘ George Bush ’ and ‘ Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces ’ all refer to the same person .
13 ‘ If the companies all draw from the same research and technology base , we may inhibit technical and product innovation , just when it is most needed ’ , Albert Sobey , an industry consultant from Michigan , told the subcommittee .
14 Because these three associated religions appear to have in common the belief in one transcendent personal creator , it is often assumed that they all believe in the same God .
15 And if we all talk at the same time , he ca n't hear anything .
16 Suppose your gas , telephone and life insurance bills all arrive on the same day .
17 No , it 's got to be an alert , and if we all keep to the same story we might just get away with it .
18 It is no accident that the words ‘ health ’ , ‘ whole ’ , ‘ healing ’ and even ‘ holy ’ all derive from the same root .
19 She , they all go to the same school .
20 I might add that this is not an attempt to get publicity as there are only three NME readers in this town — and we all play in the same band !
21 The T.V. contains hundreds of parts which all belong to the same set .
22 However , from the gardener 's point of view they serve another purpose too , for all thrive on the same mineral salts as green water discolouring algae and , being more advanced forms of plant life , they are able to starve the algae out and ensure crystal clear water if planted in sufficient numbers at the outset .
23 They 've all come from the same factory — a small arms factory in Belgium .
24 This example is indeed a cautionary tale , as the work of the two engravers was traditionally attributed to two different mints ( Rome and Tarraco , in Spain ) , but the discovery of numerous die links ( see below ) between each group has shown that they all come from the same mint .
25 It has been considered that the simultaneous presence of ultradian and daily rhythms suggests that they are related in some way and possibly all come from the same body clock .
26 Style is important , but in a long document it can be very time consuming to check that the headings , subheadings and body text all conform to the same pattern .
27 So a horse may be able to cope with the stress of injury or the stress of being isolated from other horses ; but if they both happen at the same time , the resulting stress and anxiety may be more than the horse can manage successfully .
28 SIGNED AND ACKNOWLEDGED by the above-named MARIUS STEEN the Testator as and for his LAST WILL in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses : William Bartlemas Keanophile Kevin O'Rourke Macreadophile
29 Gimmer Crag forms a head separated from the steep hillside by these two obvious gullies , which both start at the same point .
30 While the two reasons may sound opposite , they both come from the same cause — a faulty assumption .
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