Example sentences of "[det] [adv] [vb pp] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On opening the substantial box and removing the paper padding , I found ten sealed , plastic envelopes , each individually labelled with the plants inside .
2 This means that the outgoing particles have an extra degree of randomness or unpredictability over and above that usually associated with the uncertainty principle .
3 The " real property " and " the real respectability " of the new centres of population would thus be given political weight , and the national electorate would be enlarged by " about half a million persons , and these all connected with the property of the country , having a valuable stake amongst us , and deeply interested in our institutions ' …
4 An increasingly complex society began to need new skills — quick-wittedness , dexterity , verbal skills , all traditionally associated with the female .
5 Its signatories were all closely associated with the Communists , the Socialist League and the ILP and , despite the growing interest of some Liberals , the theme of " working class unity " was deliberately dominant .
6 Those personally acquainted with the Willses have appreciated their virtues and valued their friendship , but others have found difficulty in understanding some idiosyncrasies of their characters .
7 The stated aims of the organisation continue to be those originally associated with the NFoL , namely : ‘ the advancement and propagation of the Christian Gospel in particular as it bears on or affects national or individual morality and ethics ’ .
8 The research interests and departmental affiliations of those particularly connected with the Centre are as follows :
9 This avoided the need to distinguish between parties and non-parties , but deprived those closely associated with the affair of claims to procedural rights .
10 An audio-based course with two supporting books , one in the student 's mother tongue ( English 1979 , French 1980 , German 1981 , Spanish 1989 ) , the other in the target language , each fully cross-referenced with the other .
11 Do we want to be all that closely identified with the Government over a thing like this ? ’
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