Example sentences of "[det] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 When that was like this I used to sit in the bottom of the cart cos that were rough , very rough trip .
2 After this we must participate in the UNO and try to unify North and South Korea by negotiating with Russia from the standpoint of freedom .
3 This he might find in the service of a bishop ; for many bishops in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming to have large staffs of young clerks , who learned the business of ecclesiastical administration and rose to be canons or archdeacons , or were seconded or translated to the royal service .
4 Now it 's a long time since I went by tube , and there 's not much you can do in the carriages except keep a handkerchief over your nose , but a useful tip is never to put your hand on the rail beside the moving staircase .
5 He would n't need much he could sleep in the car-but he 'd still have to eat and buy fuel .
6 I think I 'd start off by saying that it 's probably and likely to f that you could find in the Greater York area , between six and ten miles from the city centre , erm one location which met every one of the twelve criteria , one hundred percent .
7 And then after that we 'll go in the garden .
8 I said after that we 'll go in the garden before it rains .
9 All she could see in the gloom was the high stone wall of some building .
10 She had set a very high standard for our display work and had established a tradition which we would do all we could to uphold in the future .
11 While , understandably , this mild recommendation was all they could make in the circumstances , there is no disguising the fact that , for the next five years at least , non-advanced further education in Wales badly needs the infusion of more resources .
12 In the meantime a jig had been prepared such that the tailplanes could be broken under loads not dissimilar to those they would meet in the air .
13 It is generally expected that the profits firms receive as a result of collusion exceed those they would earn in the one-shot NE , otherwise they might as well not collude .
14 Although the strong-minded Negrín was never the Communist catspaw his many critics accused him of being , there was little he could do in the circumstances to prevent the Communists from exercising an increasingly independent and even dominant role within Republican Spain .
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