Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] of the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are some glimpses of the same behaviour in MacMillan 's Mayerling , although the manners and behaviour have deteriorated .
2 There were a few others of the same period , Youngs Mill being advertised for sale in 1828 , with a 16hp engine , driving three pairs of four foot diameter stones .
3 The board of the vendor company also has a duty to deal fairly between all shareholders of the same class , although it does not need to treat them exactly the same if there are particular reasons for different treatment , as in the case of regulatory or exchange control requirements applying to overseas shareholders .
4 The General Principles are as follows : ( 1 ) All shareholders of the same class must be treated equally .
5 This means that not only must all shareholders of the same class receive the same offer but , for instance , if the offeror subsequently buys shares in the market at a higher price he must increase his offer generally to that higher price .
6 ( 3 ) The offer must be made to all shareholders of the same class and shareholders must be allowed to accept in full for the relevant percentage of their holdings .
7 Also facing the green at the entrance to the church is the old forge , worked by many generations of the same family of blacksmiths till the 1970s when it was converted to a bus shelter .
8 Most artefacts are either the product of mass production , in which case they are identical to all others items produced by the same process , or else are intended as equal copies of a normative cultural notion , in which case , for example , all spears of the same type are intended to look alike .
9 They are , nevertheless , complex organisations comprising national , vertical unions which organise all workers of the same branch of the economy ( with provincial , regional and local sections ) , together with horizontal structures aggregating all workers and/or vertical structures within each geographic area .
10 First of all it brings out the functionalist point that the different " aspects " of social relationship , in the fields of kinship , economy , politics , law , religion etc. , are all versions of the same thing .
11 In one form or another these issues , which are really all variations of the same issue , are of very long standing , but the style in which they are presented is liable to change very rapidly .
12 A new and controversial question will find out how many couples of the same sex are partners ( or , more accurately , how many are prepared to report the fact ) .
13 For in the same way in which the number or title of a painting in an exhibition catalogue gives it an identity as a material object different from all others of the same type , so the letters and numbers on a Cubist painting serve to individualize it , to isolate it from all other paintings .
14 The following are not chargeable events for these purposes : ( i ) the removal or variation of a restriction relating to all shares of the same class ; ( ii ) the creation or variation of a right relating to all shares of the same class ; ( iii ) the imposition of a restriction on all shares of the same class ; or ( iv ) the removal of a right relating to all shares of a class from all those shares , so long as : ( a ) a majority of Newco 's shares of that class are not held by directors or employees of Newco or by any associated company of Newco , or by directors or employees of any such associated company ; or ( b ) a majority of the shares of that class confer control of Newco on the shareholders , who are employees or directors ; or ( c ) at the time of the event Newco is a subsidiary ( but not a dependent subsidiary ) and has a single class of shares .
15 The following are not chargeable events for these purposes : ( i ) the removal or variation of a restriction relating to all shares of the same class ; ( ii ) the creation or variation of a right relating to all shares of the same class ; ( iii ) the imposition of a restriction on all shares of the same class ; or ( iv ) the removal of a right relating to all shares of a class from all those shares , so long as : ( a ) a majority of Newco 's shares of that class are not held by directors or employees of Newco or by any associated company of Newco , or by directors or employees of any such associated company ; or ( b ) a majority of the shares of that class confer control of Newco on the shareholders , who are employees or directors ; or ( c ) at the time of the event Newco is a subsidiary ( but not a dependent subsidiary ) and has a single class of shares .
16 The following are not chargeable events for these purposes : ( i ) the removal or variation of a restriction relating to all shares of the same class ; ( ii ) the creation or variation of a right relating to all shares of the same class ; ( iii ) the imposition of a restriction on all shares of the same class ; or ( iv ) the removal of a right relating to all shares of a class from all those shares , so long as : ( a ) a majority of Newco 's shares of that class are not held by directors or employees of Newco or by any associated company of Newco , or by directors or employees of any such associated company ; or ( b ) a majority of the shares of that class confer control of Newco on the shareholders , who are employees or directors ; or ( c ) at the time of the event Newco is a subsidiary ( but not a dependent subsidiary ) and has a single class of shares .
17 This provides that the option scheme shares must not be subject to restrictions other than restrictions attaching to all shares of the same class .
18 So the world of science moved along its intellectual railway tracks , and its further progress seemed , like that of the railways themselves , to offer the prospect of the laying-down of more tracks of the same kind through new territory .
19 Other than their having the same employer , what does it mean to say that they are each members of the same community ?
20 Several copies of the same program icon can be placed within program group boxes .
21 Another way of producing a picture that is botanically correct would be to choose a larger aperture ( rectangular is probably the easiest shape to work with ) and to show several pieces of the same plant .
22 This is one of several versions of the same subject ; the original was painted in 1763 .
23 The endoscopic concept of visible vessel includes several stages of the same lesion and even various types of lesions .
24 Where there were several purchasers of the same type of wine , it was impossible to say who owned which of the bottles of wine in the seller 's stock .
25 We now exhibit the same symptoms of the same disease , the loss of myth .
26 Consequently , the man in the Kaduna street who watches an NTV report , hears the same story over the state radio and then reads about it in three or four daily papers receives several interpretations of the same event which are very different from one another — so much so that they may appear to be reports of separate events .
27 Last year 's survey was carried out with a group of practitioners at an audit regulation meeting run by the Southern Society , and in view of the continuing concerns about regulation , we repeated this exercise with 160 practitioners who attended a similar meeting in October 1992. 64 responses were received , some of which represented one response from several representatives of the same firm .
28 The average cuckoo 's egg weighs just 3 g ( 1/9 oz ) , while most birds of the same size lay eggs weighing about 10 g ( ⅓ oz ) .
29 These are seen in terms of two different , but complementary , energy flows , known as the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger , both aspects of the same energy , which need to be balanced .
30 And if our understanding of star formation is correct , then this means that most stars of the same size and density as our Sun will have planetary systems .
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