Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [vb past] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , he did concede that " there were indications that some activities and individuals might have been motivated to prevent success in constitutional goals " and that " some activities led to the deaths of people " .
2 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
3 Some Scots fled to the abbey there after Flodden . ’
4 Few cheapjacks went to the Tuesday market , but there were numerous stalls selling vegetables , fish , clothing and many other items .
5 This was the way in which some Communists reacted to the advent of Nazism in 1933 .
6 Some glasses crashed to the floor .
7 Some women took to the loom , further diluting the labour supply in that branch , and others were able to enter the factories , but for many , especially in the de-industrialising South , the loss of home spinning was a real and much commented-on aggravator of female unemployment and depresser of living standards , especially marked around the turn of the century .
8 The regarders accused one of them , Ralph of Abinghall , of having impounded in Walmore Green the animals belonging to the men of the district , extorted sixty geese from them as an amercement , and kept the beasts for himself , although all profits of such attachments belonged to the king .
9 The fire hazards of such roofs led to the rediscovery of how to vault in stone .
10 A report to the social services sub-committee says : ‘ The elderly and people with mobility problems would be disadvantaged if these proposals led to the closure of small pharmacists in rural communities within the county where there is no convenient alternative . ’
11 These considerations led to the awareness of the need for local crime surveys which focused on the crime problems of smaller geographical areas and their impact upon specific sub-groups of the population .
12 These considerations led to the decisions about the modes of assessment used in the project which are described in Chapter 4 ( pp.41–102 ) together with the results of the testing .
13 I think the dashing strain in these emigres appealed to the countrymen of Henri IV , Bernadotte , Foch ( and our own Fieldmarshal Alanbrooke ) , and Dumas 's d'Artagnan .
14 Paramount , in fact , planned a British directors company , bringing together the talents of Reisz , Clayton , Schlesinger and Peter Yates , but dropped the idea when most of these directors emigrated to the US anyway .
15 All these actions led to the reduction of oil prices until they dropped to half of what they used to be …
16 These difficulties led to the abandoning of this model .
17 These experiments led to the conclusion that a recessive defect in the AIR-1 locus of RJ2.2.5 prevents expression of MHC class II genes by abrogating a transcriptional activator ( 10,13 ) .
18 These allegations led to the dismissal and disgrace of the two justices concerned ( Hamon Hauteyn and Robert of Ludham ) .
19 there was , there was slaughterhouses at different places , you see , and all these bullocks went to the market and they was graded with the government people , you see , and perhaps , twenty or thirty bullocks 'd go to Ely and about forty go to Cambridge slaughterhouse .
20 Repercussions of these disturbances came to the attention of foreign relief workers .
21 These facts led to the conviction of the appellant on counts 8 and 9 .
22 All proceeds went to the Appeal .
23 After World War II many Filipinos emigrated to the United States and settled in and around Stockton in southern California .
24 According to Henry Vizetelly in his History of Champagne , many nobles went to the expense of having their own special buying commissioners stationed in the village to secure the finest vintages of this royal wine .
25 Wherever a train of thought started , all lines led to the terminus of William .
26 It was rather like an old-fashioned nationalized industry where all lines led to the Secretary of State .
27 Throughout Uruguay every station was equipped with a sign announcing the distance from Montevideo station , symbolizing a radiating nationalism well matched by the manner in which all lines led to the capital .
28 During this war , the skies over Britain often saw a lot of aerial activity , and many planes fell to the ground damaged or in flames .
29 Many Duvalierists fled to the countryside to escape popular retribution .
30 It seemed to me that all surfers aspired to the condition of divinity .
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