Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [vb past] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A few shillings sufficed to repaint the notice-boards .
2 In the late 1620s , some Calvinists attempted to obstruct the collection of money for the repair of St Paul 's , and throughout the 1630s large numbers of churchwardens were summoned to appear before the ecclesiastical authorities for failing to introduce the required changes to the lay-out of their churches .
3 But as the value and importance of the trade became clear , some companies moved to meet the milk importers ' requirements .
4 The sensitivity and specficity of Helico-G in our study are also comparable with those of another , but it is worth noting that some workers had to modify the manufacturer 's instructions in order to improve the performance of this test .
5 Some workers tried to stop the spread of machines but this was a hopeless cause .
6 It consists of a fortuitous , almost accidental , alliance between a particular fraction of development capital and New Right political reformers , not always particularly clearly articulated , which has in the last few years managed to don the cloak of inner city concern .
7 A few Unionists wished to use the Lords to block this procedure , so prompting a constitutional crisis in wartime , but Law and Lansdowne persuaded the shadow cabinet to swallow their feelings .
8 Yet in 1840 it was Joseph Sturge , having emerged as the leading figure of one faction of abolitionists , who guided Clarkson to and from the platform ; Haydon 's picture represented an exclusion from full recognition in the movement of some elements , especially women , on ideological grounds , and in 1843 some abolitionists refused to attend the Convention , implicitly denying Sturge 's BFASS the right to claim the antislavery heritage .
9 Kisling was livid , and with the help of some friends managed to grab the sculptor and throw him down the stairwell from the seventh floor .
10 Some demonstrators attempted to cross the border , prompting the Iranian authorities to issue a protest to the Soviet Union .
11 Priests in some parishes decided to drop the ceremony altogether , rather than comply with the ban against women 's participation .
12 Some Tories came to develop the view that the combined legislative of Crown , Lords and Commons was the sovereign authority in the state .
13 Man 's early faith in the original ‘ god ’ forerunners came from the apparent success which on some occasions appeared to attend the involvement of them in the troubles that beset him .
14 The ‘ optimum ’ hole size is around 3 sq mm , say the Australians , because ‘ with smaller hole sizes some consumers attempted to make the hole larger with sharp implements such as forks ’ .
15 The king 's willingness to remedy such grievances helped to allay the disquiet of the commons and public opinion outside parliament .
16 Moreover , by the time of World War I a widening in the geographical scope of product markets themselves , and a desire to eliminate competition from low wage districts — together with government-setting of many wage awards during war-time — all these influences tended to extend the area of collective bargaining still further to the industry level .
17 Meeting at Messina in 1955 , representatives of the Governments of these countries agreed to extend the integration of their coal and steel industries to the whole of their economies , and the EEC and Euratom were created in 1957 .
18 These boats had to cover the whole of the lagoon and there could obviously be no support from neighbouring fire services on the mainland which had wheels .
19 Although these efforts failed to persuade the ANC to renew constitutional negotiations , both parties supported a UN plan to assist in the transition to democracy .
20 We do this , notionally , in any matrix multiplication : if we are performing the operation BC = A then we isolate a row of B and a column of C — respectively ( 1 × n ) and ( n × 1 ) submatrices — to produce an element — i.e. a ( 1 × 1 ) submatrix of A. Similarly , we could , for example , isolate the first three rows of B and the first four columns of C and multiply these submatrices , of order ( 3 × n ) and ( n × 4 ) , to give a ( 3 × 4 ) submatrix in the top left corner of A. Again , since unc it makes no different if we divide the range , s , of summation into subranges ; each subrange can be summed , and these sums added to give the total .
21 These scares helped to strengthen the case of those who argued that without nuclear weapons Britain had no hope of exerting sufficient influence in Washington .
22 For the most part , these marriages served to strengthen the position of Theodoric the Great , the Ostrogothic ruler of Italy , but since Clovis was drawn into this web of matrimonial alliances , it is as well to note their relevance to his career .
23 The social dynamics which foregrounded a consciousness of individual identity have been clearly analysed : primo-genitive inheritance forcing younger sons to seek a role outside the family ; the growth of a socially fluid urban society and of cathedral schools and the resultant rise of an administrative class ; the climate of learning and debate about the purposes of life , ideals to be followed and choice of life-style — whether to pursue an active life of involvement with the world of affairs or the inner contemplative ideals of a personal relationship with God within the renunciation and shelter of a cloister ; the stress on personal relationships between friends and lovers ; all these factors contributed to raise the profile of the individual within society rather than submerge it in low relief within a predetermined authoritarian hierarchy .
24 In the first flush of enthusiasm for the ‘ molecules of memory ’ many experimenters failed to take the precautions necessary to control for such biochemical and behavioural ambiguities , and as a result their research — and with it the entire field — became discredited .
25 Groups of up to 14 males of all ages attempted to mount the female .
26 The art of these peoples , too , was brought back to Rome , and many artists came to fulfil the demand of wealthy Romans for versions of famous works for private enjoyment .
27 Many schools chose to enter the scheme as a way of getting fresh resources .
28 Japan 's security could be safeguarded through obtaining a pledge from all nations involved to respect the neutrality of an unarmed Japan .
29 The President and the country 's 22 political parties had signed on Dec. 31 a national reconciliation pact , in which all parties agreed to recognize the legitimacy of Djohar 's presidency , to renounce the use of violence or mercenaries , and to eliminate election rigging and misuse of public funds .
30 When the All Blacks managed to square the rubber at one-all when they won at Eden Park last year — after losing at Sydney — the All Blacks retained the Cup .
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